The One where the Office is Rearranged

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The One where the Office is Rearranged

It’s weird how six months seems like no time at all when you are reunited with your best friends.  New Years Eve brought that very opportunity–party with the college girls!  Most all of my greatest girls from SAU were able to gather at Angie & Nick’s to spend some long awaited quality time with each other–catching up on life in Chicago and the Dominican Republic, the latest news on relationships, the sweet career opportunities, and of course the newest member of society:  baby Drew!  It was truly a refreshing time together and the fact that it felt like we had been together “yesterday” proves that these are what true friends are.  
After good times with the girls, Britt and I got to hang out with the guys who were partying at my place for the New Year.  It was good times as well.  (Especially my 3 hour “catch up” nap on New Years Day. :D)  
Yesterday brought yet another mini-reunion when Brooke drove up for a tour and most importantly a visit.  It had been since the wedding that we were together (as it had been with too many of the other girls…) and our fellowship is always so sweet.  
The last week also brought lots of wonderful husband-wife time.  We laughed hard, played plenty, and relished the hours.  I am now a sweet ally for Kevin in one of his computer games (crazy thing…I’m actually enjoying it) and I’m improved my ping pong skills as well.  
Today is our favorite day:  our day.  Saturdays have been reserved for us and we try to keep from scheduling things that would take time away from that.  Weeks go by fast and furious so it’s wonderful to look forward to those hours.  I recommend it.

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