The One with the Turtles

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The One with the Turtles

Our Crocodile Dock VBS is in full swing.
We’ve had solid crowds of children filling the church and having the time of their lives.
Kevin and I were asked to teach the Bible lesson at “Bible Bayou” each day.
There are 4 rotations of kids meaning we teach the 20 minute lesson 4 times.
I was excited to have such a big responsibility.
But this job is much more intense than I anticipated.
Now, I know all of the lessons quite well.
Moses and the Burning Bush.
Moses before Pharaoh with the Plagues.
The Passover.
Jesus dying as the sacrificial lamb.
Moses leading the Israelites through the Red Sea.
The stories are not the hard part.
The hard part is fully engaging the young audience in way that opens their minds to new (and TRUE!) stories that enforces key qualities of God–all in way they understand.
It’s been a prayerful week for me.
I’ve gone to God each day beseeching his grace and wisdom.
That my words and explanations would be His.
That the kids would be receptive and understanding.
That his Spirit would do a work in their hearts.

So far, so great.
There is one crew of kids that is particularly awful. talk talk talk. ignore ignore ignore.
But that is to be expected.
There is also one crew that is phenomenal. I look forward to having the “turtles” visit our room.
So engaged. So excited. So intent. So obedient.

Kevin had the night “off” as he wasn’t absolutely essential to the story telling.
(as he had been Monday–as the voice of God– and Tuesday as Pharaoh.)
He came over afterwards to practice a song for the Friday finale.
One of the little girls from the “Turtles” spotted him and with her hands on her hips said, “Hey! where were you tonight!”
It was adorable.
She was so serious about it.
I liked that he was missed.

I’ve also been blessed in other ways this week.
I met Veronica, one of our neighbors, who has 2 little girls and a newborn.
I was ashamed that we hadn’t met previously but was thankful for this God-ordained encounter.
Kevin and I also got a chance to talk more with her after VBS on Tuesday.
I plan on visiting with cookies sometimes next week. :)

I’m finally making friends.
My own friends.
At the church we’ve been going to for nearly a year.
It’s lame that it’s taken so long.
But it’s also just recently that my heart has been aching to fill this exact void.
God is quickly answering my pleas.
I mentioned the heartfelt conversation Pam & I had Sunday.
That connection was the start of something beautiful.
I’ve also been chatting with a lady name Nancy whose 18 year old daughter is Mackenzie.
I never thought it would go much past the “acquaintance” level.
Especially since Mackenzie is very introverted.
But last night when Mackenzie commented on my sandals and I, of course, told of their consignment shop roots, a whole floodgate of connections opened up.
Nancy, Mackenzie and I are going to get along beautifully.
Passions for great style, great deals, and Gilmore girls.
Enough said.
Well, that and they said they’re form of “clubbing” is hitting Sam’s Club.
SO true!
It’s shocking how healing something as simple as similarities can be.
And apparently Mackenzie mentioned to Nancy a while back that they should invite me on one of their shopping trips.
So cool.
I think we might have to do that now and again.
I love shopping. But pretty much only if the people I’m shopping with absolutely LOVE a good deal.
And then a night of Gilmore Girls must be had.
I’m so geeked!

Oh, and speaking of great deals, I will now share one last exciting story.
Exciting for me at least.
Wednesdays throughout this summer have been Arby’s “deals days.”
(I don’t actually know what they’re called, but that’s what I’m calling them.)
You know, buy this thing, get that thing free.
Sometimes it’s lame.
But sometimes the deal is totally worth it.
Like yesterday.
Kevin bought a pop for $1.49.
He got a Roast Chicken Club sandwich free.
I ordered a curly fry for $1.59.
(Don’t you LOVE their curly fries?!)
And I had a coupon for a free roast beef sammy because I filled out their survey.
Our bill totaled $3.26.
Rock on!

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