The One with the Deals

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The One with the Deals

VBS ended on a high note.
I was delighted and a bit surprised to discover how easily I fit into the “Bible teacher” mold.
It required enthusiasm. Not sure where I mustered it, but it was good stuff.
It required a full comprehension of the Bible stories. Check.
Thanks to years of Sunday School.
Christian school.
SAU religion courses.
I’m pretty well covered. Which I love.
It required following the kids’ leads…as questions were asked or as attention diminished.
It required lots of direction for participation. I, myself, asked many questions to be sure the kids really knew what I was talking about.
It’s so easy to just drone on when you know the stories.
But words like: Israelites, Pharaoh, plagues, wilderness, disciples, eternal life, and more need defined.
All of these requirements require patience.
A quality I do not normally own in spades.
But this week I was so encouraged to experience Jesus working in and through me.
And not only that, but I had FUN!
Rather than being annoyed or frustrated by the kids, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to teach them.

Today was good.
Delicious in fact.
We awoke at 7am.
Completely on our own.
We’re old people, apparently.
We relaxed. Had hearty homemade oatmeal pancakes.
I hit the road at 9am to catch the best garage/rummage sale deals.
I was so pumped to be a “real” garage sale-er.
I found the game Cranium for $2.
A beautiful punch bowl and 21 glasses with hooks for $5.
A full set of golf clubs and a perfect golf bag for $10. Kevin and I are seriously hoping to become amateurs.
After picking up a Nike track jacket and a cute sweater for $1 each.

Then I headed to Meijer, Aldi, and Ciolino’s with my usual list and coupons in hand.
I actually enjoy grocery shopping, so that part was fun for me too!
In the meantime Kevin had plenty of time in his “nothing box.” (which I’m beginning to believe actually exists.)
Then he asked if I’d like to go see a movie at the Ann Arbor Dollar Theater.
They were showing Star Trek which neither of us were super pumped about, but it sounded fun, so we made it to the 1:30pm showing.
This movie was SO great!
I thought I might like it. But I LOVED it.
I may have just become a trekky. Or not. I hope.
Sam’s Club was our next stop.
Another location that we find enjoyable.
Great deals.
Though you mustn’t be fooled into believing that simply b/c it’s in bulk it’s a great deal.
Not true, people.
Not true.
Price compare like crazy.
Print out a spreadsheet if necessary.
I did.
Don’t mock.

But seriously, you can’t complain about a huge cup of soft serve for $0.97 or a pizza & pop combo for $2.50.
And time together is never wasted.

Now we shall chill.
In our air conditioned home.
We finally gave in, and decided to enjoy our weekend at home.
I’m cranky if I’m hot, so this is just best for all concerned.

Tomorrow is New Student Welcome party for youth group.
After their last big “fling” at vbs, the 7th graders are officially invited to join the youth group!
We’re stoked to have them join us!
And who doesn’t love a night of bowling for $1 and pizza as a casual start to a new season?!

Mom and Grams are making a trip up to our abode this Tues.-Thurs.
Fun? I think yes.

One thought on “The One with the Deals

  1. dear darling. When you're deal shopping next time – I would love some bulk granola bars- if they come in chocolate chip or any form of chocalate in them…. I hope you have a blast with your grammy and mammy!!

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