Things I have done in the last few days.
Ate an entire 12oz bag of M&M’s. Mostly on the drive to and from Columbus.
Slept in on Monday.
Worked half a day Tuesday.
In a second grade co-taught classroom.
Super easy. Super fun.
Had every girl complimenting me the first 10 minutes of class.
“I like your hair.
I like your earrings.
I like your shirt.
I like your jacket.
I like your necklace.”
It’s funny how wonderful 8 year olds can make you feel about yourself.
After driving 80 miles on ice, still managed to spin 360 degrees.
On our road.
On the way to class.
It was my first spin out.
And super scary.
But miraculously, my bumper ended up in a side street and I just pulled right out.
Blood pressure issues are looming.
Starting watching LOST: the complete first season.
I’m was LOST virgin. And I think I’m already addicted.
Celebrated yesterday’s first snow day of the season in true 10 year old style.
Played Go to the Head of the Class with my husband.
It was the 50th Anniversary edition.
And it came out in 1985.
I knew I would lose.
And I did.
Big time.
Still fun though.
Just need to brush up on history.
and literature.
and math.
and art.
And I drank hot cocoa.
And ate homemade pizza.
And watched more LOST.
The end.