A Good Name

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A Good Name

Dear Child of Mine,

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,
    and favor is better than silver or gold.

I’m fairly certain Solomon wasn’t referring a person’s actual name in Proverbs 22:1, but rather their reputation. Yet I also see Scripture painting a portrait of the worth of your given name. On many occasions, the Lord himself gives new names to his sons or daughters, presenting them with renewed purpose and calling. Names hold value. They can testify to the work of the Lord in one’s life. A name can proclaim Jehovah’s faithfulness or a family’s clinging to His great grace.

Many girls seem to spend hours of their life (both in childhood and adulthood) contemplating the perfect names for their children. The reasoning we use to pick any given name – whether it be for our Barbie doll or our newborn child – may vary from person to person, month to month. Sometimes we want to be hip or unique. Other times we crave rich family history or biblical roots.

I confess, I have a list. Back when your daddy and I started dating and it was moving toward marriage, I was contemplating what it would be like to raise children together. I started a word document complete with a spreadsheet of names and their meanings that drew my attention. The roots of a name have always been the most valuable to me. But a hopeful parent must also think of the flow of the name – how will this first name sound in conjunction with our last? We must consider what the initials will be and whether the name is likely to be misspelled or mispronounced. That’s a lot to consider, Child. I want your name to be your blessing.

Yesterday I was initiated into the world of nameberry.com. On this website you can create an account, search for names, discover their meanings, the popularity, spelling variations, middle name or sibling name ideas, and most intriguing for me create lists of your favorite names. Your dad and I are on the same page with 4 different names – 2 male, 2 female – including meanings and middle names.

I love my own name, I really do. I think it’s lovely sounding and it suits me well. (Thanks, mom and dad. Good choice, for real!) It’s just unfortunate that Melanie Marie means “dark and bitter.” Yikes. I shared this on Facebook yesterday and was surprised with the responses of my friends. Almost everyone shared one of two thoughts:

Melanie, you are the exact opposite – bright and sweet. 


Kind of like dark chocolate or coffee – a beautiful thing!

. . . and if that’s the case, I’m totally ok with the meaning of my name. :)

I am eager for the moment when we can choose which name suits you best. Since I’ve been waiting for so long for your arrival, my desire to choose a name based on it’s meaning and connection to Christ has deepened. I want your name to reveal my heart and God’s work in your life even as we’ve waited. Come quickly, Child.



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