I love chicken. Always, in any form (fried, baked, grilled, shredded, etc). But one particular afternoon (yes afternoon) I was craving– I mean hankerin’ –for chicken in a bad way. I decided it was going to be a dinner-for-lunch kind of day, and Kevin didn’t mind. These chicken fingers were fast and easy to prepare, and […]
Creamy Butternut Squash & Chicken Soup Recipe
We still have a few large butternut squashes in our “cellar” and it was about time I use them up. You all know how I feel about butternut squash soup (delicious, but textually disturbing), but I wanted to attempt a new version of the creamy squash soup. By adding in chicken, celery, onions, garlic and loads of […]
Leftover Ham and Potato Soup Recipe
I always have grandiose plans for holiday dinner leftovers. But they almost always fail to come to fruition. I’m either burnt out on ham or turkey or mashed potatoes OR I’m just burnt out on cooking (or being in the kitchen) altogether. Maybe you can relate? Well, this soup is the solution to all of my problems (and […]
Egg & Potato Frittata Recipe
For an extremely cheap, super fast, very nutritious breakfast, lunch or dinner, this egg casserole is where it’s at. It’s customizable according to your love of peppers, onions, or (pre-cooked) breakfast meats. Serve this to your family and have a happy crowd. Egg & Potato Frittata Recipe recipe by adorkablerecipes.blogspot.com Serves 4 Ingredients 4 eggs, […]
Rich Hot Chocolate Recipe
If you want something warm and decadent in these cold, winter months, this rich hot chocolate is the place to go. Simple ingredients. Easy to make. You’ll be snuggled up on a couch under your warmest afghan in no time. Rich Hot Chocolate Recipe recipe adapted from simplyrecipes.com Serves 1 Ingredients 1 cup milk 1/4 […]
Pizza Pasta Casserole Recipe
I was inspired to make this pizza casserole when I saw Tasty Kitchen member How to Pinch a Penny‘s recipe. I halved her recipe (as it served 8) and swapped in and out a few ingredients to suit my tastes. And I have to tell you–this was the best thing I’ve eaten in a long time. […]
Bittersweet Chocolate Chip and Toffee Cookie Recipe
This grown-up version of everyone’s favorite chocolate cookie is just delightful. With the added bite of the bittersweet chocolate and the crunchy sweetness of the toffee, your guests will be amazed by how the plain-old-chocolate chip cookie was transformed into something memorable. Online baking and pastry classes offer aspiring chefs an artful outlet for creating updated versions of […]
Creamy Broccoli, Chicken, and Penne Casserole Recipe
I was in need of a meal I could prepare in advance and have ready for our dinner at the end of my piano teaching hours. It was too late to start a crockpot meal. I don’t normally go for casseroles, but when these ingredients popped into my brain, I knew I had a winner. […]
Fresh Cranberry Scones Recipe
Cranberries are the perfect accent for the Christmas holiday, and these scones are exactly what your table needs to make your breakfast or brunch festive. I decided at the very last minute to try my hand at scones and this is the perfect recipe. It’s simple and easy to pull together in 10 minutes, and […]
Peppermint Bittersweet Chocolate Fudge Recipe
If you’re anything like me, you LOVE fudge. :) I never imagined making my own would be so easy. This delicious chocolate fudge came together in less than 5 minutes. Can’t beat that. And the mix of semi-sweet and bittersweet chocolate a more distinct flavor. Less overwhelmingly sweet and more cultured. :) Peppermint Bittersweet Chocolate […]