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Registration: August Yoga
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Summer Greetings
It is with great joy to greet you for the first time as your Lead Pastor. MFMC has been an inextricable part of my calling to pastoral ministry. I plan to share more of God’s faithfulness and redemptive work in my life and in this church during our 50th Celebration Sunday on August 12. I […]
The Other Side of Mother’s Day
Sermon Transcript on May 13, 2018 Monroe Free Methodist Church Mother’s Day – a day that encapsulates the both-and of the Christian life, both joy and suffering, both celebration and mourning, both crucifixion and resurrection. Many churches have beautiful Mother’s Day services, passing out precious momentos and honoring all of the awesome mothers in the […]
Submitting to Suffering
God of suffering and glory, in Jesus Christ you reveal the way of life through the path of obedience. Change us today. Create new hearts in us, Hearts desiring to walk in in the obedience Of Jesus. Break all the things in us that need to be broken In order that we might live fully […]
Registration: Saturday Morning Yoga Flow
The Invitation of Lent
God of wilderness and water, your Son was baptized and tempted as we are. Guide us through this season, that we may not avoid struggle, but open ourselves to blessing, through the cleansing depths of repentance and the heaven-rending words of the Spirit. Amen. source Explanation of Lent The season of Lent began just a […]
Overflowing Joy
These past many months I have been marveling at the sweetness of God. I have experienced His presence, His nearness with me almost constantly in a way more intimate than before. Rather than only noticing God at work around me – in conversations or in nature – my spirit is simply aware of Spirit, comfortably […]
Against Spiritual Arrogance, Ignorance, or Complacency
In Mark chapter 1, Jesus is calling for repentance and for earnest followers. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” and “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people.” Perhaps many of us here today have already […]
Registration: Yoga for Lent
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