As our little girl’s due date looms closer and closer, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of preparation and the questions of inquiring minds…but it’s impossible to forget where we were just months ago. In March I was truly believing that God might be calling us to childlessness. My identity was steeped in infertility, […]
Until Baby Comes…
…and many other reasons, I am putting our Saturday Holy Yoga Class on hiatus. Thanks for your support. Stay tuned for future classes post-baby (she’s due December 26th.)
Open Hearts Holy Yoga
I have become convinced that the Lord wants me to incorporate a small group aspect into my Holy Yoga class. With much prayer and consultation, I have decided to officially begin leading a women’s small group called Open Hearts Holy Yoga. This hour will incorporate realness, vulnerability, receptivity, prayer, worship, and of course yoga. I believe women […]
A Call to Self-Discipline
Dear Daughter of Mine, As your Daddy pastors our church and I learn ministry alongside him, we both hold deep convictions that discipleship must remain our core focus. As individuals, as leaders, and as a church, we must be in constant pursuit of Jesus, to know Him more and be changed into His likeness. This morning at the […]
Woah, Baby!
Dear Little Girl, The most incredible experience in my life (…in my life…? *Mel, that’s kind of dramatic* …but really it’s true…) happened on Tuesday night as I crawled into bed. With head propped on two pillows and a third folded up under my legs (because all the pillows are necessary at this point in pregnancy sleep), I […]
Seeing Her Face
Dear Little Girl, I could hardly wait until my doctor’s appointment Friday, August 7th. It was my 20 week ultrasound and we were going to get to see you for the first time (well, the first time since you looked like a gummy bear.) Since those moments, I haven’t been able to wipe this smile […]
A New Vision
I have spent some time in prayer and counsel, seeking God’s plan for how Holy Yoga fits into my life. As I pursue ordination in the Free Methodist Church, I believe my calling is to disciple. For this season, I have come to the conclusion that my goal should be to use Holy Yoga in my ministry […]
Broken for You
On my morning walk before church I prayed. I was anticipating Holy Communion and asked God to examine my heart and cleanse me. I wanted to be a temple worthy to take part in the body and blood of our Lord Jesus. And He met me. Right in the middle of struggle. He had heard […]
In Awe and Wonder
Deuteronomy 10:21 He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes. Dear Little Girl, As I feel your nondescript pokes and pinches and watch my belly take on a new form, I find myself daydreaming about who you’re going […]
The Summer Blur
Dear Little One, This is a busy summer for your Dad and me. It’s been fun having so many friends get to share in our excitement in person. Hugs abound, enthusiasm for the Lord’s bounty is proclaimed, and a few “bump grabs” have been occurring. (For the record, I have started to show in a bit more […]