What is something I say a lot?“That you say that I’m smart.” What makes me happy?Tickling you! It makes you laugh What makes me sad?Being disobedient. How tall am I?Bigger than me! Like THIS big (gestures with her hands.) I’m like that big too when I stand on the chair! What’s my favorite thing to […]
Life After Baptism
sermon preached January 12, 2020 Today is the Sunday of the Baptism of Jesus, a pivotal moment for the work God was doing in the world. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus demonstrates what his mission is all about: humility and submission, allowing himself to be baptized by John. Then, the fullness of Jesus’ identity is […]
Transformed Together
Here we are at the fourth Sunday of Advent. The waiting and anticipation, the quietness and candle-lighting is leading up to the moment of the Nativity. On Christmas Eve we will gather to “let every heart prepare him room!” All of our songs and Scriptures and candles will help us hold vigil outside of Mary’s […]
How to Stay Awake
“Does Advent even matter when the world is on fire?” The title of this article really grabbed my attention earlier this week. I wasn’t sure where the author, Sarah Bessey, was going, but I thought, “She’s got a point, doesn’t she?” I mean, who do we think we are going about lighting our candles and […]
Where is God?
sermon transcript preached November 3, 2019 at Monroe Free Methodist on the 21st Sunday after Pentecost How have you seen God? This is the question I’m inviting you to answer. Maybe you have a quick response, or maybe that question makes you feel very uneasy. Or maybe, like Zacchaeus, it’s a little of both. You’ve […]
Are you willing to be filled with THIS Holy Spirit?
So when we read this prophecy from Joel 2, I think it’s easy for us to read it about ourselves. I want each of us to stop and think of situations in our lives that feel desperate, where there is ruin or devastation. Maybe it’s in our personal lives. Maybe it’s as a church. I […]
Demolishing Dividing Walls
Last week we read from Luke 13, one of the many accounts of Jesus breaking the “rules” and stepping all over cultural expectations. In that passage Jesus was brazen enough to heal on the Sabbath. The Synagogue (church) leader was outraged at Jesus’ disrespect for one of the Ten Commandments. But I wonder if the […]
When to Break the Rules
So here’s the thing about God: God doesn’t come up with a list of rules for the fun of it. God is not a tyrant or task-master. He’s not some sort game-master dictating rules for his personal enjoyment. God desires to be with us and to invite us to partner with Him in building His […]
Fully You
One of my favorite parts of being a pastor is observing your lives and noticing how God is changing you. I know…you’re probably thinking, “Sure Pastor Mel, you think I’m becoming more loving, but you don’t know the whole story. You don’t know what it’s like at home or at work.” And you’re right. I […]
Reflect + Reset
I love spending time reflecting on what God has been doing in my ordinary life. Writing helps me process what’s going on in and around me. In putting my thoughts into words, I can pause to observe the seemingly-hidden work of God and begin to notice what kind of fruit my life is producing. It’s […]