Lately our weather has been refusing to reach a temperature above the single digits, and often in the negative with the wind chill. Yes, brrrrr. On one particularly blustery day, I decided beef stew was the best solution to warm me inside and out. Normally I would brown the beef and the the rest […]
Easy Beef Stroganoff
For a quick and easy dinner that makes you happy and warm in all the right ways, this stroganoff is the way to go. I have many fond memories of family dinners around this meal. We loved it served over mashed potatoes or egg noodles. Perfect for easy homestyle cooking. And only 4 ingredients (plus […]
Creamy Pasta and Beef Casserole Recipe
I’m not normally a casserole person. In my mind, they tend to be unhealthy, too cheesy, too fattening, too mix-it-all-together-can’t-tell-what’s-in-it. But this casserole blows those biases out of the water. It’s healthy, creamy (without too much cheese), and super flavorful. I think the flavor of the basil is just a beautiful addition to the beef […]
Garlic Ginger Beef Broccoli Stir Fry Recipe
Sometimes I find meat in the back crevices of the freezer and I am embarrassed to admit how long it’s been stored. I’m some sort of a weird combination of bargain-hunter and food-hoarder. I find great deals, but then don’t want to actually use it up. Ridiculous, right? Anyways, I found these lovely strip steaks, […]
Vegetable Beef (Venison) Barley Soup Recipe
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a big meat lover. But can I just be honest with you–this was THE BEST stew I have ever had in my entire life (or at least the best stew I’ve ever made.:D) The taste of venison sometimes weirds me out, but this was melt-in-your-mouth perfection. I stopped Kevin […]
Easy Beef Stew (Slow Cooker)
This dish is the epitome of comfort food with the ease of preparation you won’t believe. I grew up loving this dinner and only recently asked my mom for the recipe. It was super fast and easy to throw together and all 7 20somethings who dined with us, loved it! I’m sure your family will too! […]
Slow Cooker Steak and Potatoes
A few months back (I won’t specify how long…) we purchased a few pounds of NY Strip Steaks that we had sliced to order. My lack of knowledge in the strip steak arena led me to have the steaks cut into 3/4 or 1 inch thick portions. Unfortunately, grilling a steak this thin results in […]
Sweet Heat Chili (Slow Cooker)
When I came across this recipe on Mel’s Kitchen Cafe, I immediately wanted to try it. Normally, when it comes to chili, I totally wing it and end up with a new recipe each time. I LOVE it. But there was something special, something unique about this recipe, so I did my best to follow […]
Beef Stir Fry
Stir fry (done right) is one of the healthiest, easiest meals anyone could make. There are no “rules” just a general destination in mind. You can use whatever ingredients you have on hand–broccoli, mushrooms, snow peas, carrots, bell peppers, garlic, onions, meat or no meat at all. The options are endless! From the moment I […]