Category: Bread

Bread Cabbage Lunch Sandwich Vegetables

Crunchy Veggie Deluxe Sandwich Recipe

For a fast, easy, delicious lunch, this vegetable-loaded sandwich hits the spot–and for very few calories! The homemade sandwich thins make the perfect bookends for these crunchy ingredients, but any sandwich bread and bun would work.  Crunchy Veggie Sandwich Recipe recipe by Serves 2 Ingredients 2 homemade sandwich thins 2 slices Swiss cheese (or […]

Bread Sandwich Yeast

Hearty Wheat Sandwich Thins

A few weeks ago I was introduced to Sandwich Thins–a low calorie sandwich bun alternative to bread. I can’t bring myself to spend $3.50 on 6 buns, so I went on the hunt to find a recipe. Thank you, internet, once again. And thank you, Foodie Bride!  Source This is a great recipe! It makes […]

Bread Dinner Side Dish Yeast

Crescent Rolls Recipe

Thanksgiving was a relaxed occasion for us this year. We weren’t eating until 5pm, so we took our good old time getting around to baking. Thanks to the extra time, I decided to try my hand at homemade crescent rolls. I love me some Pillsbury rolls from the cans that scare the crap out of […]

Bread Buns Rolls Yeast

Classic Hamburger Buns Recipe

I originally posted this recipe in 2009 and decided it was high time to share it again with you all. Annie’s hamburger bun recipe is one of my favorites, and it was the perfect choice for our Labor Day meal. My Mom and Dad, who were joining us for the meal, really enjoyed this special homemade […]

Bread Oatmeal Whole Wheat Yeast

100% Whole Wheat Bread

I have always been a bread lover, especially when it comes to hearty varieties like this one. With flax seed adding to the whole wheat goodness and a hint of sweetness from the molasses, this bread is out of this world. My new favorite whole wheat bread! It’s great for sandwiches, toast, or an afternoon […]

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