Dear Child of Mine, There are some days when I’m reminded of one of reasons God must have created the childhood stage of humankind. Kids bring fun and laughter and true, deep, unabashed love into your life like no jaded grown up can. (Yes, I could list a ton of ways that children are a burden […]
Normally, I like Lemons
Dear Child of Mine, I need you to know that some days are just bad days. And I’ll be there to hold you and catch your tears. I’ll try to remind you that Jesus says, In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33) There may be times […]
Tears are Timeless
Dear Child of Mine, Grown ups cry too. THERE. I said it. When I was a kid, I had this vague notion that adults just didn’t cry unless they were at a funeral. But that’s just not true. Exhibit A: Your mom is out in the storage room and boxes are falling and she is […]
The Harmony-Seeking Idealist
Dear Child of Mine, I can’t wait to meet you and discover how unique your personality is, while at the same time find the shadows you share with your dad and me. I am always intrigued by personality tests. Perhaps this shows a deeper need to know myself and become more aware of my strengths […]
Finding Humor in our Conception Struggles
Dear Child of Mine, I have to be honest with you. While the issue of infertility is very painful, and our desire to have you is very real, sometimes I switch things up and lighten the mood. I’m sure I throw people off by the things I am able to joke about. But I figure laughter […]
Pushing 30
…or at least that’s what I’ve been telling myself for the past many months. I turned 28 on November 19th and this past year is the first time I’ve ever “felt” my age. There are days I look at the veins on the backs of my legs and think, “How did this happen?” Whenever I […]
The Husband of a Runner
If you’ve read the updated version of the blog’s “About K & M” page, you will know two facts – a) I am a runner. b) Kevin is not. Despite my greatest wishes. For as long as we’ve been a couple (going on nine years!), one of my biggest hopes is that Kevin would become […]
Bringing “Hostess” to a Different Level
Sometimes I feel like I’m not really an adult because 90% of my life is spent with teenagers. And quite frankly, dear friends, I love it that way. It’s hard not to compare my life to other adult friends, to see how many real-live-grown-ups they have over for dinner on a regular basis. I convince […]
Being a Fish Doesn’t Make Me a Swimmer
I finally got around to doing what I’ve been thinking about doing for at least a year — swimming laps. credit Apparently the Lord knew it was time for a good humbling, because man ‘o man I am not good at swimming. Being in the pool is never something I crave. I don’t seek out hotels […]
Does Giving Birth Make a Girl a Woman?
I had gathered with a large number of wonderful ladies and we were going around introducing ourselves. As part of the “about me” sentence, it was suggested that we share how many children we have and how old they are. Of all the women in the room (some younger than me), I was the only […]