Category: Crackers

Crackers Side Dish Snack

Saltine Crackers Recipe

Kevin and I have been making a conscious effort to eliminate over-processed foods from our cupboards. This is mostly an issue for me, as I am somewhat of a pretzel fiend and must keep crackers of all kinds around “just in case.” Maybe you can related. In an case, we opted to try to make our […]

Bread Crackers Snack

Homemade Wheat Thins

Confession: I have a teensy obsession with wheat thin crackers.  These crackers are like dessert to me, and I give myself permission to overeat them because they’re classified as “healthy.” Unfortunately, eating half a box goes WAY beyond healthy. But that’s beside the point.  I love the hint of sweetness. The salted top. The crispness. […]

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