Lately our weather has been refusing to reach a temperature above the single digits, and often in the negative with the wind chill. Yes, brrrrr. On one particularly blustery day, I decided beef stew was the best solution to warm me inside and out. Normally I would brown the beef and the the rest […]
Taco Pasta Casserole Recipe
Like I mentioned last week, Kevin and I have been on a Mexican food kick. Every. Single. Day. For another change up to the regular stand by of jacked-up-nachos or tacos, this casserole is the perfect option. It takes a little longer to prepare than a simple taco, but it’s filling and delicious–and it could […]
Mexican Tossed Salad Recipe
My husband and I have been eating “Mexican” almost every day, enjoying the bounty of avocados, tomatoes, jalapenos, and peppers. This particular afternoon, I was looking for a new way to serve and enjoy these flavors, and I found a recipe for “Southwest Chicken Chopped Salad” on Tasty Kitchen. I took the basic idea and […]
Easy Beef Stroganoff
For a quick and easy dinner that makes you happy and warm in all the right ways, this stroganoff is the way to go. I have many fond memories of family dinners around this meal. We loved it served over mashed potatoes or egg noodles. Perfect for easy homestyle cooking. And only 4 ingredients (plus […]
Pepperoni Pizza Rolls Recipe
Forget those store-bought, freezer-aisle pizza bites (or at least forget them this once :D)–this homemade alternative is almost out of this world. I shared my first batch with a couple teenage girls and we gobbled them right up. We all decided they were amazing and should definitely served as an appetizer at any party. They […]
Cabbage and Sausage Skillet Dinner Recipe
We’ve been on a cabbage kick lately–something I never thought I’d say. :) The stuff is great fresh and crisp on top of a sandwich or cooked and added to a myriad of dishes. It’s mild flavor is the perfect accompaniment to flavorful meals. With the addition of cooked sausage & onions and finely the […]
Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Sandwich Recipe
I am a lover of buffalo chicken wings in any form. This recipe is one of the fastest Crockpot recipes I’ve ever made, with just 3 key ingredients (plus a little butter). It’s a perfect lunch or dinner for your hungry family OR you could double (or triple) the recipe for a perfect party snack […]
Creamy Pasta and Beef Casserole Recipe
I’m not normally a casserole person. In my mind, they tend to be unhealthy, too cheesy, too fattening, too mix-it-all-together-can’t-tell-what’s-in-it. But this casserole blows those biases out of the water. It’s healthy, creamy (without too much cheese), and super flavorful. I think the flavor of the basil is just a beautiful addition to the beef […]
Deep Dish Pepperoni and Green Pepper Pizza Recipe
This deep dish crust has THE BEST flavor and the perfect combination of crisped bottom and soft inside crust. Yum!! Our favorite toppings include lots of mozzarella cheese with pepperoni, onions, green peppers, and fresh garlic. Welcome to our Friday Night Favorite. Deep Dish Pepperoni and Green Pepper Pizza recipe adapted from Two Peas and […]
Barbecue Pulled Venison Recipe
Kevin and I were both craving barbecue pulled pork. Unfortunately, our freezer was fresh out of any suitable meat. That is, until a crazy idea popped into my head. What if I used that venison stew meat? Would that be any good? Would it ruin the meat? I wouldn’t know unless I tried. And WOWZERS, […]