Category: Family


Simple Goodness of 2024.

The Eccles family is thrilled to report that not much has changed in our lives. After years of transition, we are thankful to be putting down roots and allowing our girls to have the gift of place. We continue to be intentional about living hyper-locally. For us this means walking everywhere we can so we […]

Family Husband Marriage

This is 11

It feels just right, like your favorite sweatshirt on a cool summer evening. It kind of feels like the type of work Jesus describes in Matthew 11, easy and light. It’s still work. There is still plenty of trouble to navigate, and it takes focus and intentionality to move forward together. But doing so with […]

#MSFL Contentment Family Parenting Pregnancy

Overflowing Joy

These past many months I have been marveling at the sweetness of God. I have experienced His presence, His nearness with me almost constantly in a way more intimate than before. Rather than only noticing God at work around me – in conversations or in nature – my spirit is simply aware of Spirit, comfortably […]


The Scent of Grandma’s House

Dear Gramma Mary, I will always remember that patch of irises or “root beer flowers” you had in the back corner of the house. Any time I see these beautiful purple blooms I think of you and the many memories we made in that big back yard – clean linens flapping on the line, birds […]

Family Husband Marriage Uncategorized

8 Years of Marriage

Today we celebrate the exchange of our wedding vows, the day we entered into the holy covenant of marriage. By the grace of God, our marriage has endured and is stronger and more lovely with each year.  And last night as we crawled into bed, we reminisced about our wedding day. It was a joyous […]

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