Lately our weather has been refusing to reach a temperature above the single digits, and often in the negative with the wind chill. Yes, brrrrr. On one particularly blustery day, I decided beef stew was the best solution to warm me inside and out. Normally I would brown the beef and the the rest […]
Italian Pasta Soup Recipe
After spending a few minutes chopping peppers and onions and defrosting our gift of lean ground venison, I was quickly beginning to have an idea what we might be having for dinner. This is what I knew: a) it was going to be some kind of soup, b) I was leaning toward a broth-y soup, […]
Spinach, Pepper, and Onion Omelet Recipe
Omelets are perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. They are totally versatile and customizable to your flavor preferences. They can include any variety of meat–ham, sausage, bacon–or vegetables–peppers, onions, spinach. I love this about omelets. This particular omelet is most certainly nutritious–loaded with protein and filled with fresh veggie nutrients. I omitted cheese and meat […]
Unstuffed Cabbage Soup
I had never cooked with whole, fresh cabbage before, and honestly my childhood experiences with cabbage made me want to run the other way. My grandma would make stuffed cabbage rolls on occasion and I distinctly remember how awful it smell as it cooked for what seemed like hours. I think my grandma would be […]
Jerk Chicken Soup Recipe
When I saw Rachael Ray making Jerk Chicken Soup on her daytime tv show, I knew that was “what’s for dinner tonight.” You see, Kevin and I have a soft spot for anything “jerk.” Before our cross cultural studies trip to Jamaica in 2006, we couldn’t have told you what that even meant. I thought […]
Italian Potato Salad Recipe
In an effort to take a delicious dish to our first potluck at our new church, I new some sort of potato salad would be a winner. I’m really not a huge fan of mayo-laden salads. Yes, I eat them and even enjoy them, but I can rarely bring myself to add that much mayonnaise […]
Salsa Pasta
With homemade pico de gallo needing to be used and a hankering for pasta, I brainstormed this funky, fresh idea for dinner. (I probably shouldn’t use “hankering” and “pasta” in the same sentence. Maybe it’s in honor of my West-Virginian-Italian relatives…) With a few fresh ingredients I had on hand thanks to the bounty of summer […]
Roasted Red Pepper and White Bean Dip
Everyone raved about this dip! It’s super easy (just a bit time consuming if you decide to use dry beans) and totally worth it. It’s mild, yet intriguing and could be spiced up even more to suit your taste. Kevin described this as a hummus, but even better. Try it! (You’ll have enough to serve […]
(Quick and Easy) Ricotta Tomato Penne
This is an amazingly quick (15 minutes!), surprisingly elegant, and super delicious dish. I came up with it as a dinner idea in a pinch last week. We didn’t have much time but I had some quality ingredients. Sometimes less is more. Nothing fancy. Just pasta. tomatoes. cheese. and of course garlic. It’s perfection in […]
Salsa Soup
I came up with this recipe on a whim. After church on Sunday, we were trying to figure out what to eat. I wanted something serving-worthy as my mom was here for the weekend, and I wanted something warm and comforting as it was 45 degrees outside. I decided to make a pot of soup. […]