Hello friends!At this very moment my ears are ringing with my daughters’ after-school mania, and yet I’m pausing for a moment of renewal reflections. (I wish you could hear how crazy it is in my house right now! 🤯) With a mission of joining Jesus in the renewal of all things I wanted to share […]
settle down
After weeks and months of discernment, prayer, interviews, and resumes, and more hours of conversation than we can count, Kevin and I are ready to “settle down…cultivate gardens…and seek the peace and prosperity of the city” (Jeremiah 29:5,7). In deciding to #ChooseYpsi, my family and I are living as everyday missionaries and placemakers in our […]
God Loves to Throw Parties
Most of us don’t set out each day with “ill intentions.” We certainly don’t intend to harm other people and we’re not intentionally trying to walk a few steps farther away from Jesus. But the thing of it is, we’re actually really skilled at managing our image so it appears we’re doing just fine. In […]
This is 11
It feels just right, like your favorite sweatshirt on a cool summer evening. It kind of feels like the type of work Jesus describes in Matthew 11, easy and light. It’s still work. There is still plenty of trouble to navigate, and it takes focus and intentionality to move forward together. But doing so with […]
8 Years of Marriage
Today we celebrate the exchange of our wedding vows, the day we entered into the holy covenant of marriage. By the grace of God, our marriage has endured and is stronger and more lovely with each year. And last night as we crawled into bed, we reminisced about our wedding day. It was a joyous […]
Kirsten Grace – Month 3
My dear sweet Kirsten Grace, Happy 3rd Month Birthday! This has been such a fun month with you. When people ask “how’s the baby” I find myself saying, “She is so much fun!” The first few weeks were just about surviving…how to feed you, how to soothe you, how to sleep with one eye open. But […]
Kirsten Grace – Month 2
Dear Kirsten Grace, Sweet daughter of mine, I am so thankful God chose to give me a gift I could never deserve. Each day His goodness keeps unfolding like a glorious flower, petal after petal, in the beauty of who you are. I pray I will never cease proclaiming His glory, never forget to live out […]
Protected: The Birth of Kirsten Grace
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Her Name
Nearly a lifetime ago, a sauve 17 year old boy made his intentions clear. The girl was 18 and naive to the world of dating, but she was confident that this guy could be trusted. God was good to weave our stories together, teaching us how to love, how to argue, how to commit. It […]
Days Like This
Dear Little Girl, Our days together, in this intimate relationship of pregnancy, are drawing to a close. As difficult as it has been to carry you, I am certain that I will miss (even grieve) your nearness. Over these months I have described many times the challenges of being pregnant. It is a hard, hard […]