a snap shot of the the life of a youth pastor. as read in Group Magazine, Sept/Oct 2011 “So your job is to play with teenagers one day a week?” prep lesson. write message. fix church van. lead kid to Christ. “Are you ever going to be a real pastor someday?” scrape Jell-O off ceiling. lead […]
The One Where She Fell In a Hole, Et Cetera
Top Ten things I’m pondering on this beautiful late summer morning… 1) Where in the world did my lovely red 1 tsp and 1 Tbsp measuring spoons disappear to months ago??! It is a mystery. I thought for sure I’d find them in the move. But no. They are MIA forever. Lucky for me, I have […]
The One with the Fancy Schmany Date
{My Memories Digital Scrapbook Giveaway going on through Wednesday!} Sometimes I just need carefree time with my husband. Outside our predictable, routine life that I love so much. (I really do.) But when he says, “I think we need a date night,” I fall a little more in love with him. (AND when he […]
The One with the Book Worm
Today I… …started book seven of Harry Potter after finishing half of five and all of six in the last week. This is an impressive record for me. Can’t. Stop. Reading. …didn’t have time for a full blown, well-thought-out blog post because of my intense reading regimen. So you’re getting this list. …was disappointed that […]
Simple Thanks
[don’t miss out on the digital scrapbook software giveaway!] On this cool, overcast Friday, I am finding reason for thanks. fun conversations with a mom who loves me from my head down to my toes. finding a few leftover freshly baked cookies from a recent Etsy order. friends–both near and far–who have me on […]
The One with the Sappy Kitties
For the sake of complete honesty and because I seem to have an affinity for sharing my embarrassing moments, I will now expand about the “goodbye” entry from yesterday. I miss my cats. It wasn’t until we said goodbye to our Butterscotch (after already giving Maisy a new home) that I realized how attached I […]
The One Where We Celebrated Goodbye
Moving to a new place, a new town, a new life comes with its blessings. But it also necessitates goodbyes. I have had to say many goodbyes to dear friends and yes, family, throughout my life. Leaving home for the very first time and moving onto the campus of Spring Arbor University was one of […]
The One with the Double Bed
Just last week I came across this post by Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama. She compares and contrasts the double or queen sized marriage bed to that of the king sized, which she and her husband are most used to. The comments on this post are quite entertaining as well, with people telling tales of […]
The One with the House Tour
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? This post will chronicle our moving process from the boxing and packing and loading stage in Michigan to the unloading and un-boxing and setting up home in New York. Enjoy! — For weeks before the move, I packed and piled boxes in the bedroom aptly nicknamed “The Rose […]
The One with the “Moving Saga” Prelude
What have I been up to, you ask? Besides organizing pens, warring against bugs, and packing boxes? Moving us and the contents of our home three states east–to New York. (And before you ask, no, we’re nowhere near NYC. New York is quite a large state, friends.) Since Thursday of last week I have been […]