If you’ve never encountered an Earwig consider yourself lucky. These insects are totally scary looking, albeit relatively harmless. Their pincers freak me out and I can’t stand finding them scurrying across my kitchen counters. I have killed a handful of these lobster-esque insects in the past week and didn’t think much of it. Besides being […]
The One with the Thing I WON’T Miss
I will definitely miss this house when we move. It’s been a wonderful first home for us. Yes, we lived in a Detroit apartment for 5 months, but we didn’t have time to make a home of it. This place, though, is where we’ve become a family–even just the two of us. :) We’ve learned […]
The One with Family Camp Photos
For the past 8 days and 7 nights, we have been at Somerset Beach Campground for our church conference’s Family Camp. It’s quite the epic experience that we plan on being a part of for years to come. Having been on many sides of Family Camp, we have an unique perspective of the week+ long […]
The One with the Serious Campers
Packing for a camping trip takes a lot of preparation, planning, and forethought. Packing for an 8 day camping trip with 15 teenagers and 5 adults is just crazy talk. But ladies and gentlemen, that’s exactly what we’ve been doing. For the past many months I’ve been keeping track of notes and thoughts on how to […]
The One with the Final Quiz
[Free Methodist] Bible Quizzing. Are you familiar with this concept? I wasn’t either until I started dating Kevin a few months into our freshmen year of college, and he was recounting stories of his Bible Quizzing days. Then I began attending monthly quizzes along with him as he quizmastered. I worked my way into the […]
The One with the Moving Conundrum
Apartment hunting is a whole lot more challenging than it would seem. Google apartment listings. Visit a few units. Choose your favorite. Move in. Right? Not so much. First of all, the town we are moving to is an adorable little village, but because of its small size there aren’t any listings on apartments.com and other […]
The One with the Mother of Productivity
If I wondered before, I wonder no more. I am addicted to productivity because I am my Mother’s daughter. There are definite cons to this drive of constant accomplishment. But we won’t go into those right now. I just have to be thankful for the great team my mom and I have made these past […]
The One with the Husband List
(not to be confused with a “honey do” list.) {Top Ten Reasons I Love Being Married to Kevin Michael} 1} He makes a mean alfredo. 2} He always knows how to make me smile and he makes me laugh like no one else. 3} He puts up with my anal-retentive idiosyncrasies, and even claims to appreciate them. […]
The One with the Hypocrite
It’s amazing to me how hypocritical I can be. Maybe even just critical. I astonish myself with the prevalence of my sin nature many times. Honestly, I think it’s my husband’s fault. Not even kidding. You see, before I got married it was easy to hide my shortcomings, my sinful tendencies, my anger, my complete […]
The One with the Spring Flowers
Last Saturday, one of those days when the sun was actually shining (unlike these past 4 days), my adorable husband gave me flowers. He put them in the most perfect vase. He set them beside my computer to be sure I found them. He received the biggest smile from me. You may think I’m easily […]