I am an open book, heart-on-my-sleeve type of gal. I love being honest and transparent with people. To me, meaningful relationships are everything. I’m not a fan of putting on a happy face, grinning and bearing it, or saying “Fine” in response to “How are you?” It’s not real. And I’m real. But the difficult […]
The One with Loans
After reading another blog post about the couple digging their way out of consumer (credit card) debt, I realized I never shared the amazingly awesome incredible news. Drum roll please…… brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…………. We are officially and completely FREE OF DEBT!! Yahooooooo!! Midway through the summer, we started having to make monthly payments on Kevin’s college loans. […]
The One with the Mentors
I am grateful for my past. Past experiences. Past relationships. Past learning. All of those factors have had a huge part in making me who I am today, and not only that but many of them have proven themselves continually effective in my life. It amazes me how many lessons have affected me–the way I […]
The One with Not Much
My belly hurts. And it has been for 32 hours on. the. dot. Not cool, gastrointestinal system, not cool. Last night as I waited for Kevin to come down from class it was really random to see a van pull up beside me and realize it was my other mom. (“Mother-in-law” technically, but that seems […]
The One with the Proof of Adulthood
The Top Ten ways I’ve realized I’m a grown up. 1) Almost all of my friends were married within months of our wedding. 2) We have to buy our own TOILET PAPER. 3) Ninety Percent of the mail is filled with bills. 4) I would rather sit at home and spend a quiet evening […]
The One with Watoto
Spending an hour in worship with beautiful African children whose love of Jesus shines from every inch of their being is such an incredibly moving experience. The Watoto African Children’s Choir came to our church on Friday evening for a concert, and managed to blessed our hearts, move us in the depths of our spirits, and […]
The One with the Window Shopping
I’m a window shopper. I enjoy going into a mall or a department store or even a furniture store and just looking. I can try on outfits, imagine that new couch in my living room, or become emotionally attached to the latest food processor, but when it comes time to check out, I can walk […]
The One with Our Love Story. [part 5]
If you’ve been reading along as I retell our love story, hand written by our Great God, I hope you’ve enjoyed it. To catch up, check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and The Proposal. —- And here we are, six and a half years, two college degrees, one white dress, and 2-1/2 years […]
The One with Our Love Story. [part 4]
continued from our love story [Part 1] [Part 2] and [Part 3]. The Perfect Proposal August 21st, 2007 as recorded by Melanie just days later. Melanie had spent the evening at Kevin’s house and around 10:30pm he was driving her back to Somerset Beach Camp (where she lived and worked for the summer). He […]
The One with Our Love Story. [part 3]
continued from [Part 1] and [Part 2] All my family ever heard about was “Kevin this” and “Kevin that.” Things really turned a corner when my birthday rolled around. Kevin woke up at 7:20 to meet me in the DC with a birthday card. So sweet. He left a note on my chemistry seminar door that say, “Happy Birthday, […]