I’m not so good at slowing down. In fact, I stink at it. Kevin is always trying to convince me to sit down, chill out, and do nothing. But the thought of doing nothing is like torture to me. I don’t necessarily think that’s a good thing. Sure, it can be. But it also has the […]
The One with our Quick Christmas Eve
[remember to start using the new blog url: kevinandmel.com] Our Christmas is a little different this year. Yes, there was still the insta-tree (when Kevin pulled our decorated tree out of a huge spare bedroom closet), the endless baking, the icy cold morning runs, and the same ol’ Christmas tunes ringing through our home. But this […]
On Jesus, Always
Jesus says, “Why do you rely on imperfect human beings to fill and support and strengthen you? There are so many reasons you know this to be an unwise decision. First, it is unfair to put such a burden on them. You know and they know there’s no way they can be your everything, all […]
On Respect
Jesus calls husbands to love their wives. We women are pretty good at demanding that, right? If the men in our lives don’t tell us enough or show us enough, we can beat them into the ground. We would never take the excuse, “Well, I told you I loved you on our wedding day, shouldn’t […]
The One with the Eve Syndrome
Yesterday I picked up a copy of Shaunti Feldhahn’s For Women Only from our library. This book is kicking my tush. With the subtitle what you need to know about the inner lives of men, having heard Shaunti speak on a Focus broadcast, and getting recommendations all over the Christian arena (including one of my good friends), […]
The One with the Energy Saving Confessions
I am a bit neurotic about preserving energy. Not necessarily because I want to “save the planet”–though that’s a lovely side benefit–but because I’m the biggest penny pincher you’ll ever meet. Here are statements I make to my husband on a regular basis. “Please do not leave the water running while you’re brushing your teeth.” […]
The One with the Smoke Alarm Garlic Bread
I decided to be every teen’s favorite person and make some garlic bread. I bought three loaves of Italian bread from Kroger, sliced them open, buttered them, and sprinkled with too much garlic. It was perfection. I heated the oven to the “low” broil setting. I set a timer, not wanting to burn the loaves. […]
The One with 6 Years and Counting
Six years ago yesterday, I entered into my first ever dating relationship. Yes, that’s right, I was 19 years old before I started dating. I saved myself. I guarded my heart. And God truly blessed me. I married that man–the one with whom I shared my first kiss, the only one my heart has ever […]
The One with my Birthday Days
On this brisk fall/winter morning, I wanted to remember–to be thankful for the wonderful 25th birthday celebration I had. Here’s the run-down: The Friday before my birthday, my husband’s family took us out to dinner, enjoyed dessert at our home, and showered me with gifts. I’m really looking forward to using my cake decorating tips! […]
The One with a reCap of our 2nd NYWC
Now I must process my time at the National Youth Workers’ Convention. (Henceforth referred to as NYWC.) This is a daunting task; one you would only fully understand if you’ve attended this convention. Thirteen hundred youth workers from across the country. Over 300 vendors in the exhibit hall. More brochures, business cards, and handouts then […]