This is what I received for our fifth year wedding anniversary. I love him, I really do. And I love that he knows exactly what will make me laugh and what I will think is irresistibly adorable. *click on the image to view larger resolution (and actually read the words.) Subscribe.
Photos From Our Fifth
Our Fifth Anniversary Date Day was a wonderful success! Kevin arrived home on Friday (our actual anniversary) around 7pm from a two day church conference. I presented him with a small token of my love – this vintage-esque Detroit Tigers shirt. Saturday morning, we took 5 minutes to set up our tripod and camera for […]
Married for Five Years
May 24, 2008 1st On our first anniversary, my husband picked out my most treasured kitchen possession – a candy apple red KitchenAid Stand Mixer. I bought him a new slimline Bible. 2nd For our second anniversary, we shared an adventure at Cedar Point. 3rd I don’t remember exactly how we celebrated our third anniversary, but I wrote this […]
Why is Adoption So Difficult?
The April 8th reading from Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest says, Our Lord’s Resurrection destiny is to bring “many sons unto glory.” The fulfilling of His destiny gives Him the right to make us sons and daughters of God. We are never in the relationship to God that the Son of God is in; but we are […]
The Almost Adoption
My heart is in that hurting sort of place. I knew these kind of days would resurface, even after coming to a place of peace and contentment with our childlessness. But it seems to be impossible to completely ignore the desire and if I lost all hope that may not even be healthy, I don’t know. […]
An Eccles Easter
We were so blessed to have our Eccles Family with us for this holy weekend. They arrived in time for the Good Friday service (which was a wonderful time of remembrance and solemnity with our Ecumenical brothers and sisters), and we still had plenty of time for a late stew dinner and good conversation before […]
Eleven Lessons Learned in 11 Days of Parenting
From Tuesday evening, March 11th to Friday evening, March 22nd, we were entrusted with the care of 3 children while their parents went on their first-ever private vacation (to Hawaii!). Their kids are Catherine-13, Jacob-10, and Sarah-6. We moved ourselves into their house, which helped keep their lives relatively similar to when Mommy and Daddy […]
The Husband of a Runner
If you’ve read the updated version of the blog’s “About K & M” page, you will know two facts – a) I am a runner. b) Kevin is not. Despite my greatest wishes. For as long as we’ve been a couple (going on nine years!), one of my biggest hopes is that Kevin would become […]
Bringing “Hostess” to a Different Level
Sometimes I feel like I’m not really an adult because 90% of my life is spent with teenagers. And quite frankly, dear friends, I love it that way. It’s hard not to compare my life to other adult friends, to see how many real-live-grown-ups they have over for dinner on a regular basis. I convince […]
Dare2Share 2013 | the Follow Tour
In April 2009, I co-lead my first youth group trip (ever) to Dare2Share along with Pastor Dale. We took 7 kids all the way to Chicago. February 2010, Kevin and I lead our second group to D2S, this time in Columbus, OH. And in February 2011, we took our largest group ever (21 teens and […]