I left you hanging back in January when I wrote a post about the first and only round of infertility testing I have undergone. After many writing detours, I will return to the subject which stands in forefront of my mind and, because of your friendships, many of yours. It has been another 4 months […]
The “Quick Fix” I Didn’t Take
Can I just say what an amazing blessing it has been to finally talk about the “elephant” in my room? It’s relief to not feel like I have to hide something, yes. But much beyond that, the outpouring of love, encouragement, and shared stories have been unexpected and beautiful. Thank you for being a friend. […]
Coming to Grips: August 2011
If this is the first time you’ve been to our blog (or if it’s a been a while), let me say welcome. Pull up a chair, bring a mug of your favorite tea, and join us. Right now we are in the middle of sharing a very personal struggle. For the first time ever, we […]
Journal Entry at the 12th Month
God has been working wonders in my heart over the past two years as we’ve journeyed down the road of infertility, and I can’t wait to share his goodness with you. But let’s back up the story and visit something I wrote June 9, 2011 (a year and a half ago), when my heart was […]
The One with a 31 Month Confession
Dear friends, I have something to confess. I have been keeping a very large corner of my heart a secret from you all for many months. I didn’t know if I should share or if this was something the Lord wanted me to keep private. And so I’ve waited for a peace about when to […]
A Spice Cake Kind of Birthday
For my birthday, my husband surprised me with all of the “favorite things” he’s heard me mention over the years. He baked a spice cake (even made it double layer! and found the cake stand to display it on!), bought extra frosting and graham crackers to enjoy it with. YUM! And of course he couldn’t […]
The Very Beginning of Us
Eight years ago on this very day, I made the five-turned-seven-hour drive back to our college campus after Thanksgiving break to give a certain 18 year old boy an answer. Yes, I will be your girlfriend. That elegant response was quickly followed by a moment of naive honesty— so what does that mean exactly?It was […]
On Capitol Hill
Kevin and I have had lots of great trips with family or visiting family and friends. We’ve gotten many weekend trips, particularly camping excursions, just the two of us. We have been so blessed to have the past 4 and a half years of marriage to focus on each other. But we had been hoping […]
Supportive Listening
While having a really wonderful conversation with a really wonderful friend, I realized what a precious gift my husband gives to me every time I share my hair-brained ideas with him. I am the type of person who always has thoughts of the next thing or a great idea floating around in my head. *pop pop pop* […]
His 26th Birthday
Dear husband, on his 26th birthday, Enjoy these 24 days during which we are the “same age.” Soon, I will be a year old and wiser and errr…older. Ick. (It’s not as cool to be older than someone like it was when we were kids.) Even though we didn’t technically “grow up” together, I feel […]