Dear Child of Mine, I can’t wait for you to come play with the other littles in my life! It was truly a joy to spend the second Christmas Eve service in the nursery with my love and my favorite little people. After a truly tremendous experience of serving on the 15 member extra special, combined […]
3 Years, 6 Months
Dear Child of Mine, Today we usher in another year, 2014. I think it’s going to be a good year, if for no other reason than it’s an even number. (Your mother likes even numbers. I liked being 10 years old. Eleven? Not so much.) Last January 2013 was the first time I publicly shared […]
Uno & Bread Dough
Dear Child of Mine, There are some days when I’m reminded of one of reasons God must have created the childhood stage of humankind. Kids bring fun and laughter and true, deep, unabashed love into your life like no jaded grown up can. (Yes, I could list a ton of ways that children are a burden […]
Normally, I like Lemons
Dear Child of Mine, I need you to know that some days are just bad days. And I’ll be there to hold you and catch your tears. I’ll try to remind you that Jesus says, In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33) There may be times […]
Prayer for Mending
Child, You’re entering into a broken world, wearing sinful flesh. You will need this Jesus, just as I do, today and always. from The Book of Common Prayer O Lord, raise up, we pray, your powerand come among us,and with great might succor us;that whereas, through our sins and wickedness we are grievously hindered in running the race that […]
Tears are Timeless
Dear Child of Mine, Grown ups cry too. THERE. I said it. When I was a kid, I had this vague notion that adults just didn’t cry unless they were at a funeral. But that’s just not true. Exhibit A: Your mom is out in the storage room and boxes are falling and she is […]
Drinker of Tea.
Dear Child of Mine, I hope someday we can sit side by side on the couch, cozied up with a few blankets, sipping a cup of our favorite tea and enjoying good conversation. I am a tea lover, and I hope you will be too. My mom and dad have always been tea drinkers – […]
Cooked Butter is Delicious
Dear Child of Mine, One thing you’ll learn quickly is your mom likes loves to bake cookies and concoct cakes and create candies. (At least I hope you’ll find this out relatively early in your life…but maybe not, because from what I hear raising kids takes a LOT of time. Baking may take a back burner. pun intended.) The […]
Prayers in Anguish
Dear Child of Mine, I am certain I’ll want to shield you from the pain of this world, this temporary dwelling place we are born into which offers us the opportunity to seek God, find him, cleave to him. While we wait for his final Advent, his Kingdom come, we pray. We pray in the […]
The Harmony-Seeking Idealist
Dear Child of Mine, I can’t wait to meet you and discover how unique your personality is, while at the same time find the shadows you share with your dad and me. I am always intrigued by personality tests. Perhaps this shows a deeper need to know myself and become more aware of my strengths […]