Lately our weather has been refusing to reach a temperature above the single digits, and often in the negative with the wind chill. Yes, brrrrr. On one particularly blustery day, I decided beef stew was the best solution to warm me inside and out. Normally I would brown the beef and the the rest […]
Vegetable Stew Recipe (Slow Cooker)
Perfect for a chilly winter’s day, this hearty vegetable stew will fill your belly and warm you to the core. I love anything that is loaded with vegetables. I don’t feel the need to have meat in every meal, but I think this stew would fill even the carnivorous eater. I tossed the ingredients together […]
Ham Stew Recipe (Slow Cooker)
Crockpot meals are perfect for Sundays. Step one: throw ingredients into slow cooker. Step two: turn on slow cooker. Step three: wait a long while. Step four: come home to a perfectly cooked meal. With leftover ham still on hand, this chunky ham and vegetable stew was the perfect option. Easy and most importantly, delicious. […]
Leftover Ham and Potato Soup Recipe
I always have grandiose plans for holiday dinner leftovers. But they almost always fail to come to fruition. I’m either burnt out on ham or turkey or mashed potatoes OR I’m just burnt out on cooking (or being in the kitchen) altogether. Maybe you can relate? Well, this soup is the solution to all of my problems (and […]
Egg & Potato Frittata Recipe
For an extremely cheap, super fast, very nutritious breakfast, lunch or dinner, this egg casserole is where it’s at. It’s customizable according to your love of peppers, onions, or (pre-cooked) breakfast meats. Serve this to your family and have a happy crowd. Egg & Potato Frittata Recipe recipe by Serves 4 Ingredients 4 eggs, […]
Italian Potato Salad Recipe
In an effort to take a delicious dish to our first potluck at our new church, I new some sort of potato salad would be a winner. I’m really not a huge fan of mayo-laden salads. Yes, I eat them and even enjoy them, but I can rarely bring myself to add that much mayonnaise […]
Sausage, Peppers & Potatoes (Slow Cooker)
In search a a perfect quick and delicious after-church meal, I came up with this tasty combination. Potatoes, sausage and peppers (with onions and garlic of course!) is one of our favorite combinations. Traditionally I cook up the trio in a large skillet. In the name of efficiency, I opted to give the crockpot a […]
Easy Beef Stew (Slow Cooker)
This dish is the epitome of comfort food with the ease of preparation you won’t believe. I grew up loving this dinner and only recently asked my mom for the recipe. It was super fast and easy to throw together and all 7 20somethings who dined with us, loved it! I’m sure your family will too! […]
Slow Cooker Steak and Potatoes
A few months back (I won’t specify how long…) we purchased a few pounds of NY Strip Steaks that we had sliced to order. My lack of knowledge in the strip steak arena led me to have the steaks cut into 3/4 or 1 inch thick portions. Unfortunately, grilling a steak this thin results in […]
Zesty Oven Roasted Potato Wedges
Oven roasted potato wedges are a staple in our home. I bake up a batch at least once a week–they are the perfect accompaniment to so many dishes or even as a crowd pleasing appetizer. I love experimenting with spices to keep this fresh and delicious. Zesty Potato Wedges Yields: 4 large servings Ingredients 4 […]