note added February 10, 2011. Here it is almost a year later, and I’ve finally added a photo. You’re welcome. :) I apologize. There are no pictures to accompany this recipe. Yet. We may or may not have devoured both loaves before pictures were even considered. That said, this recipe is my favorite ever. And […]
[Mel’s Original] Buttermilk Banana Bread
note added February 10, 2011. Here it is almost a year later, and I’ve finally added a photo. You’re welcome. :) I apologize. There are no pictures to accompany this recipe. Yet. We may or may not have devoured both loaves before pictures were even considered. That said, this recipe is my favorite ever. And […]
Pumpkin Nut Bread
In preparation of our 2nd annual Pastors’ Christmas Open House party at our home I have been baking up a storm. Lots and lots and millions of cookies. I figured some people might appreciate a loaf of deliciousness. A change from the cookies. I found this recipe from Good Things Catered and new I had […]
Pumpkin Nut Bread
In preparation of our 2nd annual Pastors’ Christmas Open House party at our home I have been baking up a storm. Lots and lots and millions of cookies. I figured some people might appreciate a loaf of deliciousness. A change from the cookies. I found this recipe from Good Things Catered and new I had […]
Chocolate Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Once again, Joy the Baker has brought something wonderful into my world. Anything with “chocolate” in the title twice is worth baking, am I right?! This bread is almost chocolate cake-like…the perfect thing for the day after my birthday! It was deliciously amazing. I loved finding those melted bits of chocolate. It was like gold! […]
Chocolate Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Once again, Joy the Baker has brought something wonderful into my world. Anything with “chocolate” in the title twice is worth baking, am I right?! This bread is almost chocolate cake-like…the perfect thing for the day after my birthday! It was deliciously amazing. I loved finding those melted bits of chocolate. It was like gold! […]
Vegan Pumpkin Walnut Bread
I wasn’t necessarily looking for a vegan recipe. But when I saw Joy the Baker’s pumpkin bread, I knew it was the perfect way to use the remaining pumpkin puree after I had made her Pumpkin Spice Pancakes. Recipe makes 2 loaves (I cut it in half) Ingredients 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 cups […]
Vegan Pumpkin Walnut Bread
I wasn’t necessarily looking for a vegan recipe. But when I saw Joy the Baker’s pumpkin bread, I knew it was the perfect way to use the remaining pumpkin puree after I had made her Pumpkin Spice Pancakes. Recipe makes 2 loaves (I cut it in half) Ingredients 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 cups […]
Banana Bread
I’m not sure I’ll ever stop trying new banana bread recipes. I just love almost every results and each of them is slightly unique. Therefore I cannot stop. So if you have a favorite banana bread recipe please please share it with me! I would LOVE to try it! I whipped the up the other […]
Banana Bread
I’m not sure I’ll ever stop trying new banana bread recipes. I just love almost every results and each of them is slightly unique. Therefore I cannot stop. So if you have a favorite banana bread recipe please please share it with me! I would LOVE to try it! I whipped the up the other […]