Category: Sandwich

Chicken Lunch Sandwich Snack Tomatoes

Ranch Chicken Quesadillas

While searching for lunch ideas, I found leftover chicken fried chicken from Cracker Barrel. Hmm. I didn’t feel like eating it. But then this lovely idea occurred to me–RE-PURPOSE it! So chop, chop, chop went the chicken and into a tasty lunch quesadilla for my husband and I to enjoy together.  Next time you have […]

Burgers Dinner Sandwich Turkey

Herb Turkey Burger

I’ve heard many people say lean ground meat–especially turkey–can turn into really dry burgers. Yes, it’s true that the added fat content can result in a really juicy, extra delicious burger. BUT, I don’t like to clean up splattered grease, nor do I take pleasure in sopping up the fat from my cooked burger before […]

Dinner Fish Lunch Sandwich

Crunchy Tuna Salad Sandwiches

I have also enjoyed a good tuna fish sandwich. My husband, on the other hand, has remained convinced of his utter distaste for the mixture. He really doesn’t like mayo and most of his tuna salad experiences have been the type where the tuna:mayo ratio is 1:2. I decided to convince him that tuna salad […]

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