Jesus invites us to come to Him & take a real rest. In his presence we’ll learn the unforced rhythms of grace.* Together, Alone is a guided group retreat into solitude and silence. This retreat is designed to be an extended time for being with and listening to God in a space where you are […]
Creation Care
Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor writes, This land that gives us our food, our water; these trees that clean the air for us to breathe; all these green and growing things that bless our bodies with their beauty – these are not resources. They are fellow creatures, with their own rights and responsibilities before God. They […]
Blessing when you want to Curse
The refrains of our community right now are filled with sounds of sadness and loss, anger and disappointment. These melodies are dark and deep, aren’t they? The reasons for the heaviness of our hearts are many, not the least of which are an unbelievably stressful election season, the seventh month of isolation in a pandemic, […]
How fasting can dismantle our fear
Can I suggest one of the reasons humanity is so prone to perpetuating systems of injustice is due to our fear? It is fear keeping us from prioritizing someone else’s needs above our own, concerned about having our needs neglected. It is fear that keeps us hoarding our resources – our money, our food, our […]
How your vote can help build God’s Kingdom
Our spiritual formation – our being transformed into the image of Jesus – has three essential spheres: personal, corporate, and social. How painfully challenging is this word from the late Robert Mulholland? “Corporate spirituality will wither on the vine if it does not reach out into the world.” So here we are talking a lot […]
Look again
Lament is about listening to the stories of brokenness and anger, giving value and voice to people who suffer all around us. Lament is refusing to turn a blind eye. Lament is choosing to align ourselves with the grief and suffering of others. Lament speaks truth and lament holds onto hope that God is here […]
Why lament when there’s work to be done?
When it comes to our next steps of social justice, I am praying you will eagerly join me in the work of #anti-racism: dismantling the racist atrocities that occur every day in both obvious and covert ways and instead establishing God’s Kingdom of abundant generosity and lavish welcome. Friends, when it comes to establishing God’s […]
What if I went off the grid?
As part of my own spiritual rhythms, I’ve been practicing the Spiritual Discipline of Unplugging. Each Tuesday is my day of rest, so Monday evening at 8pm I turn off my phone completely and do not turn it back on until Wednesday morning. Crazy, I know! “Not be available?! What if someone needs me? What […]
What? Not offer my opinion?
Margaret Wheatley writes, Listening is such a simple act. It requires us to be present, and that takes practice, but we don’t have to do anything else. We don’t have to advise or coach or sound wise. We just have to be willing to sit there and listen. This is so hard for most of […]
Why does a Soul Check Matter?
I believe God can be found in all places and at all times. I believe God’s desire is to heal us and make us whole. And most of the time this transforming work is happening little by little, in the middle of our monotony and mundane. Every moment, big or small, is an opportunity to […]