I only wish I would have thought of this method sooner! It’s perfect for keeping the cookie jar filled with freshly-baked cookies, without forcing you to eat a dozen every day. :) (Not that I have experience with this!) How to Freeze Cookie Dough instructions by adorkablerecipes.blogspot.com Ingredients completed batter for your favorite cookie (chocolate chip, […]
Homemade Pizza Tips
After last night’s impromptu mid-week pizza night (we’re rebels, I know!), I decided it was necessary to share to tips and tricks of the pizza making business. This is a learned skill, I am certain. If homemade pizza weren’t so incredible I would have given up after the first time I nearly destroyed the thing upon transfer or […]
Grocery Shopping Tips::”Good” Prices
edit: A lovely spreadsheet screen shot has been formatted for your shopping convenience. Check it out!! I’ve been getting an increasing number of questions on “How Do I Do It?” How do I shop so frugally? Eat so (health)fully? Plan meals that inspire and entice? I am one of the “lucky ones” I guess you […]
Random Tips Everyone Should Know
I have decided to begin compiling a list of tips that I use regularly in my kitchen but forget to mention in specific recipes. If you have tips of your own feel free to comment. And know that this list will most likely continue to expand. Brown sugar, unless other specified, should always be packed […]
Random Tips Everyone Should Know
I have decided to begin compiling a list of tips that I use regularly in my kitchen but forget to mention in specific recipes. If you have tips of your own feel free to comment. And know that this list will most likely continue to expand. Brown sugar, unless other specified, should always be packed […]