It’s time. Time to join MckMama in a moment of brutal honesty. I am definitely not loving the snowflakes that are quickly accumulating. Nope. I’m not a snow lover. Not at all. I would never leave my hair to dry into a crazy mess post-shower. Nope. I’m always on top of my morning routine. And […]
The One with the Christmas Creativity
Not to be confused with the Christmas Nativity. So I definitely almost posted this 4 days before Christmas. Thus potentially ruining the surprise for no less than 6 people. Yes, it’s not really that thrilling of a gift. But still. Have the fun is in the surprise. Right? In an effort to save money while […]
The One with the Chicago New Year’s Eve
Well hello there, Two Thousand Ten. Nice to meet you. I have a feeling we’ll be good friends. For the first time in my life, I ushered in the New Year in a big city. The Windy City. Chicago, Illinois. Our friends, Karina & Michael just recently settled into their city apartment. They invited us […]
The One with His Peace
Welcome the New Year while soaking in the words of the Savior. —— As this year draws to a close, receive My Peace. This is still your deepest need, and I, your Prince of Peace, long to pour Myself into your neediness. My abundance and your emptiness are a perfect match. I designed you to […]
The One with the Different Sort of Christmas
There is never enough time. Visits home always seem to fly by. And time for relaxing and time for doing this that and the other thing seems to escape. We left at 6:30am for my parents’ house. Well, their church actually. We beat them to church. Which really isn’t unexpected if you know my mom. […]
The One where We Try Out Our Traditions
It didn’t feel like Christmas. Not with all the cookie baking. Or the present wrapping. Or the holiday planning. Or the wall of Christmas cards. Not until Christmas Eve service did it “feel” like Christmas. Now, obviously, it doesn’t need to “feel” like Christmas to be Christmas. To celebrate the greatest gift we could ever […]
The One with the Homemade Candy & Splints
What a lovely day before the eve of Christmas. Having Kevin home this year (as opposed to working late in lab last year) was a blessing. We had a blast. I did my workout thing. Of course. We had breakfast. Eggs & toast. And for the first time in months I believe I have mastered […]
The One with the Christmas Preparations
So much. Today. Good feelings. I love when I surprise myself by how much I accomplish. There are some days that I seem to get nothing done. And then suddenly I’m climbing back into bed. But then there are the days when I have a long checklist. And I’m assuming I’ll get a couple of […]
The One with the Confession(s)
Tonight’s the night. The BIG night. Well, it’s big for us anyway. Tonight is the 2nd Annual Pastors’ Christmas Open House. At our place. Hosted by Pastor & his family and Kevin & I. It’s a ton of fun. And little work too. But totally worth it. I just have to stop eating all the […]