Category: Uncategorized

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Dream

First things first. I love laughing at awkward things. Especially when those awkward situations were totally not on purpose. This is why Fail Blog entertains me. (And sometimes disgusts me. But that’s another matter entirely.) When I saw this segment on Rachael Ray today, I couldn’t wait to type in the address. I think I […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with Fall

I love fall. I think it might be my favorite season. There’s just something perfectly unique about autumn. Maybe it’s because I’m a November baby. I’ve always been quite partial to the months leading up to “my” day. (By the way, isn’t it true that the whole world stops to celebrate me?) In any case, […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Memory

Five years ago yesterday I was embarking on what would prove to be an unforgettable journey. I was pretty much scared to death. Alone. Nervous. Awkward. Naive. And way over-prepared. It was five years ago yesterday that I met the man I would marry. And the girls who would become lifelong friends. I could never […]

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