This is how busy I have been lately. Like, as in the last week. No, month. Today was the first time I looked at my Real Simple magazine. That came 3 weeks (?) ago. Normally, I have the entire thing read after 2 days. I’m just that excited about this magazine. And I’m still thrilled. […]
The One with the Poll
I love to win things.Any little old thing really. I got so totally stoked when Kevin and I won a $10 gift card to Pizza Hut last summer.I was excited to hear my number called at the family camp softball game.I won a rain poncho.And I was still excited.Just because I won.Today I want to […]
The One where I Never Steal a Cookie from the Cookie Jar
It’s that time again.And I’m totally pumped.Check out the whole “Not Me! Monday” gang over at My Charming Kids.And now, won’t you please join me on a journey of brutal honesty on this bright sunny Monday? I would never accept a challenge to memorize I Corinthians 1.No! People who can memorize whole chapters of Scripture […]
The One with the Working Stove
I can hardly decide what to write about first.So many fantastic things in so little time.I will attempt to start at the beginning.I’ve heard it’s a very good place to start. This morning we woke up at 6:30 with plans to take a walk together.Instead we told hysterical accounts of our dreams from the night […]
The One with the Answered Prayers
Have I ever mentioned how much I love popcorn?Or how unbelievably happy I am that it is a gluten free snack?I can down a bag of Act II butter lover’s in no time.And I am not ashamed of that.Mmm Mmm good.I’m eating popcorn right now if you must know.As we watch Lord of the Rings: […]
The One that’s Definitely Not Me
For months I have observed the blog carnival over at MckMama’s blog.I have decided I have built up enough guts to join in.And all 10 of my readers will have the privilege of experiencing the joy of brutal honesty.I must warn you, however.This entry is not for the faint at heart.If you would like to […]
The One with the Deals
VBS ended on a high note.I was delighted and a bit surprised to discover how easily I fit into the “Bible teacher” mold.It required enthusiasm. Not sure where I mustered it, but it was good stuff.It required a full comprehension of the Bible stories. Check.Thanks to years of Sunday School.VBS.Christian school.SAU religion courses. I’m pretty […]
The One with the Turtles
Our Crocodile Dock VBS is in full swing.We’ve had solid crowds of children filling the church and having the time of their lives.Kevin and I were asked to teach the Bible lesson at “Bible Bayou” each day.There are 4 rotations of kids meaning we teach the 20 minute lesson 4 times.I was excited to have […]
The One with the Personality
I took it again. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.Freshman year at SAU all of us spineless Core 100 students were strapped to our chairs and forced to look intuitively into our lives while answering hundreds of questions by filling in hundreds of bubbles for hours on end.Ok, so maybe it wasn’t that torturous.In fact, I secretly […]
The One with Diet Coke with Lime
I shall (not) grin and bear these few days of a real Michigan summer. I can’t believe it’s been so long since my last post.I’m not really sure why I got all lax on you guys, other than I was just feel lazy and lacking my usual wit.I don’t know.Wednesday evening prayer meeting was unusually […]