Category: Uncategorized

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Crazy Rants

So I’m just wondering…has anyone figured out why there is the “me” included in my blog address? Well, besides the fact that was already taken…by some teenager who posted once. four years ago. about her lame boyfriend. Geez, I was a bit irritated when I found that out. What a waste of a perfectly […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Action Shots

Just fifteen minutes before the teens began arriving for youth group on Sunday evening, I was quickly jolted from my cat nap as I heard the front door close.  “Kevin?!” I screamed.  It was the most wonderful reunion hug I had ever experienced.  I quickly showed him the “awesome” souvenirs I had picked out from […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with Home Sweet Home

Wow, what a week.  It is always a bittersweet experience to have a vacation end–sad to leave the relaxation and fun but so ready to be home again.  An early morning was necessary thanks to my 8:25am flight out of Orlando.  Grams thought I was crazy for picking such a schedule!  And maybe she was right! […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Ribbon

Lately, my days in Canada have been filled with yards (and yards and yards…leagues really…) of ribbon, assistance offered during the opening of countless gifts, meeting many new people, eating delicious foods, hanging out with some of the coolest girls I know, and watching every bridal movie known to man (or woman, rather.) It’s been […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the MIXER!

Friday was amazing. I’m not sure how much I can remember of it’s wonderfulness other than Kevin deciding to take me out to Kohl’s to buy my anniversary gift. Yes, you guessed it. A KitchenAid Stand Mixer–Artisan Series in Empire Red. Here, let me show you a picture. Just click on the last color swatch […]

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