Category: Uncategorized

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Smattering

I’m busy.  Busy packing for two weeks away from home…in two distinct climates…for two unique purposes.  Saturday I will be picked up by my second family (correction: third family if you count the Eccles as second, but I kind of consider them my real family in addition to my blood family.  But I digress.)–the Austins–are picking […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with a Rant of Sorts

I’m home.  When I should be at church. *sigh* I hate having to decide to miss church.  I have responsibilites.  I have connections.  I have peoples’ expectations.  But I also have a 7 day flu or sinus infection or a combination of the two.  Just when I think I’m back to normal, BAM!  it knocks […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Rainy Bread

Today is much improved.  Besides the ceaseless rain and the inexplicable intestinal pains and a slight sore throat, I’m doing much better.  Thanks for thoughts and prayers.   Yesterday afternoon went well too as Kevin was home for much of it. :D  Not only did he bring me home a McDonald’s hot fudge sundae (*squeal […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Blah

Yesterday was fabulous. Today is…not so much.  Yesterday was warm and sunny.  Today is chilly and rainy.  Yesterday I hung laundry out on the line, dusted & vacuumed, took a long wonderful walk with Amanda and her dog Libby (we’re planning many more lovely walks next week!), and spent the best evening with my husband […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with a LOT

What a wonderful weekend!  Friday I spent most of my day basking in the sunlight (and subsequently burning my skin).  When Kevin arrived home, I was just pulling the homemade pizza from the oven.  We enjoyed our dinner on our breezy back porch for the first time since moving here.  How glorious!  After that, we […]

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