This morning I awoke to the reality that “yes, every inch of your body is extremely sore and every move reminds you of that fact.” All night I was restlessly aware of this. And all day today as well. I really wanted to persevere and try the dvd again today, but I finally decided I […]
The One with the Burn
I just ordered Jillian Michael’s workout dvd the other day, and it arrived in the mail yesterday. I had the whole evening free, so even though I had already worked out that morning, I decided to give it a go. Man oh man! She kicked my butt…in the best way possible! I was able to […]
The One with the Crime [or something…]
Last night I became the ultimate crime stopper. For real. After spending a wonderful afternoon with both sides of Kevin’s family, eating the perfect amount of the delicious meal, and enjoying the conversation-filled ride home with my husband, the two of us were chilling in the office before bed. Through the still of the night […]
The One with the Drugged Girl
I survived. I almost passed out after the IV was put in place. The nurses and Kevin and I were sharing some solid laughs and conversations prior to the op. They started the anethesia and I [literally] waved goodbye to them. I woke up feeling perfectly fine. Apparently the nurses and Kevin agree that I […]
The One with the Scope
I’m starving. I can’t eat. Upper endoscopy at 11:30. I’m a little nervous. I’m going under. I’m glad I’m going under and not just being sedated and knowing they’re sticking a scope down my throat. That’s just weird. I hope I don’t throw up when I wake up. It would be just like me to […]
The One with the Love Fest
I am so aware of how extremely blessed I have to have such an amazing, godly husband. Allow me to explain. Yesterday I had my weekly meeting with Pastor Dale. We were just wrapping up when we somehow ended up talking about how the “FireProof Your Marriage” class was going. I ended up hearing the story […]
The One with the Teens
::Chicago Skyline:: ::Megan.Katie.Mel:: ::in the hotel. Katie.Megan.Shelby.Mel:: ::yes. we are your leaders. frightened?:: ::friday night. one half of our group. Chris.Megan.Katie.Mel:: ::second half of the row. Dale.Shelby.Olivia.Travis.Devon:: ::Fee:: ::Sears Centre. Dare2Share. Invincible:: ::door2door. salvation army can collecting:: Boy! That was certainly a fast-paced, stress-filled, exciting, challenging, fun, exhausting, powerful trip. The troops (7 youth, Pastor […]
The One with a Trip
I’m waiting to meet the youth group at the church to leave for our one night conference in Chicago. Dare2Share I’m nervous. I’ve never been in charge on the entire trip before. I’m worrying about getting lost or missing Kevin or…I don’t even know what. But I’m nervous. My stomach is full of bird sized butterflies […]
The One with Powerful Messages
Thanks to a friend, I came upon Pastor Mark Driscoll’s (of Mars Hill Church in Seattle) sermon series. The first one exams the woman’s role in marriage based on Paul’s I Peter 3 letter. The second video is part two and is a powerful and intense message to men and their role as husbands. I […]
The One with Catch-Up
I’ve been a lame blogger lately. I’m not sure why. But you can’t force it, right? Recently, I’ve been doing alot of tea drinking, Crazy Love reading, and gluten-free baking. We had a pork roast and potatoes and carrots last night. Tonight I made an extremely simple and very delicious and quite nutritious creamy vegetable soup–potatoes, […]