Lately our weather has been refusing to reach a temperature above the single digits, and often in the negative with the wind chill. Yes, brrrrr. On one particularly blustery day, I decided beef stew was the best solution to warm me inside and out. Normally I would brown the beef and the the rest […]
Crunchy Veggie Deluxe Sandwich Recipe
For a fast, easy, delicious lunch, this vegetable-loaded sandwich hits the spot–and for very few calories! The homemade sandwich thins make the perfect bookends for these crunchy ingredients, but any sandwich bread and bun would work. Crunchy Veggie Sandwich Recipe recipe by Serves 2 Ingredients 2 homemade sandwich thins 2 slices Swiss cheese (or […]
Creamy Pasta and Beef Casserole Recipe
I’m not normally a casserole person. In my mind, they tend to be unhealthy, too cheesy, too fattening, too mix-it-all-together-can’t-tell-what’s-in-it. But this casserole blows those biases out of the water. It’s healthy, creamy (without too much cheese), and super flavorful. I think the flavor of the basil is just a beautiful addition to the beef […]
Vegetable Beef (Venison) Barley Soup Recipe
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a big meat lover. But can I just be honest with you–this was THE BEST stew I have ever had in my entire life (or at least the best stew I’ve ever made.:D) The taste of venison sometimes weirds me out, but this was melt-in-your-mouth perfection. I stopped Kevin […]
Vegetable Stew Recipe (Slow Cooker)
Perfect for a chilly winter’s day, this hearty vegetable stew will fill your belly and warm you to the core. I love anything that is loaded with vegetables. I don’t feel the need to have meat in every meal, but I think this stew would fill even the carnivorous eater. I tossed the ingredients together […]
Creamy Broccoli, Chicken, and Penne Casserole Recipe
I was in need of a meal I could prepare in advance and have ready for our dinner at the end of my piano teaching hours. It was too late to start a crockpot meal. I don’t normally go for casseroles, but when these ingredients popped into my brain, I knew I had a winner. […]
Baked Summer Squash Fries
With the abundance of squash in this summer’s harvest, I wanted a fun way to incorporate the vegetable into our evening meal. When I came across Two Pea’s Zucchini Fries recipe, I knew I had been inspired. I altered a few ingredients, assuming the method would work well for squash as it did for zucchini. It […]
Yellow Summer Squash and Corn Soup
When I saw Love and Olive Oil’s post about this delightful summer vegetable soup, I was hooked. I had all of the ingredients ready and waiting in my fridge. I could hardly wait until the next evening to prep this lovely (not to mention totally healthy!) soup for dinner. This was fast and SO, so easy to […]
Broccoli Fettuccine Alfredo
I love being able to whisk together a creamy alfredo sauce in no time. Once you’ve mastered the skill of making a roux (combining equal parts flour and butter, whisking in liquid until thickened), you have got a serious skill under your belt. This dish was exactly what Kevin and I love about home cooked […]
Steamed Corn on the Cob
There is nothing like fresh corn on the cob, straight from your local farms! The crunch is perfect, the kernels are so sweet, the typewriter style of eating is too much fun. My mom used to tell us stories of eating ear after ear of corn for dinner during the summers of her childhood. I still […]