Deep Dish Apple Pie Recipe

Apples Never Fail Pie Crust Pie

Deep Dish Apple Pie Recipe

This apple pie is perfect year-round, but in this dessert-centric holiday season, I thought it needed to be brought to the forefront. The hardest part of this pie is peeling all the apples. If you can handle that, you can make a delicious apple pie. 
originally written February 20, 2009
This recipe is a specialty for me.  Every time I’ve made it using these recipes, the reviews have been fantastic!  The crust is the perfect combination of flaky, moist and spicy with just a bit of crispness. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Apple Pie Recipe
Makes 1 two-crust pie

1/2 batch of Never Fail Pie Crust (for 2 crusts)
6-8 cups cooking apples*, peeled and thinly sliced
2/3 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp butter, cut into 4 pieces
Lemon juice, optional
*Granny Smith, Macintosh, Paula Red, Golden Delicious, Braeburn, Rome Beauty

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. 
Line 9 inch deep-dish pie pan with the first crust.   
Peel and slice apples into an extra large mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, mix sugar and cinnamon. Pour cinnamon-sugar mixture over the apples and toss to coat thoroughly.  Add the apples to the bottom pie crust, heaping in the center (be sure to pile in more apples than it should look after cooked–apples will cook down). Dot with 1 Tbsp. butter.  (Add 1 Tbsp. lemon juice if apples are not tart.  Add 1 Tbsp. flour if apples are too juicy.)  Put on top crust and seal edges.  Flute the edges with your fingers or with a fork..  Prick top crust (or cut out a shape in the center or cut the letter “A” in the top or whatever you want…)
Place pie plate on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.
Lower temperature to 350 degrees and continue baking for 40-45 minutes or until apples are cooked through when pricked with a fork.
Cool completely on wire rack.

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