Grilled Zucchini Sandwich Recipe

Lunch Sandwich Zucchini

Grilled Zucchini Sandwich Recipe

So, you have a lot of zucchini laying around? And you’ve made enough zucchini bread to last you a lifetime? Well, then, friend, this sandwich is calling your name. I have been on a grilled (literally on the grill) sandwich kick lately, and it is unbelievable delicious. Those grill marks, the crisp edges, the melted insides. You can’t make this stuff up, people. Please grill some sandwiches for me.
But back to the zucchini.
I never would have thought of forming a sandwich around something like sliced zucchini, but I am so glad a friend of mine posted on Facebook about it. I hope you’ll enjoy this use of zucchini too!
Grilled Zucchini Sandwich 
recipe by
Serves 1
2 slices rye bread*
Miracle Whip
6 slices zucchini
1 slice onion
2-3 slices tomato
shredded mozzarella
grated Parmesan 
garlic powder
*I think Rye bread makes this sandwich come alive, but you may use whatever bread you love. 
Spread 1 side of each slice of bread with a thin layer of butter. On the opposite side of one slice of bread, spread desired amount of Miracle Whip. On the opposite side of the second slice of bread, sprinkle generous amounts of mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. 
Layer zucchini, onion, and tomato on the cheese-topped slice of bread. Sprinkle with garlic powder. Top with Miracle-Whipped slice of bread. 
Preheat your outdoor grill to medium-high heat. Place sandwich directly on the grilling grate and cook 5 minutes before turning to the second side. Cook until cheese is melted and both sides are golden and crisp. Slice in half and serve.

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