Every time I walk into your room to get you from your crib, I am physically overwhelmed with love and cannot seem to utter any other greeting than an overly-exuberant, “Hi baby!”
I know you are hardly a baby anymore. You are growing up before my eyes into a unique little kid, one with a tiny tooth and a gigantic personality. We simply adore you, Kirsten. Sometimes your dad and I fight to get down the hall to your room first, so eager we are to greet your smiling face. We often find you standing up with your wubbanub puppy pacifier dangling from your mouth. As soon as you see either of us, your excitement is obvious – arms flapping, body bouncing, legs kicking, and a grin from ear to ear filled with a joyous “panting.” This is the same greeting we receive when we pick you up from the nursery or a babysitter’s house, or even if one of us has been gone from home for a while. I don’t think anyone doubts your love and affection for mama and daddy.
This month you’ve grown fast and furiously. You took your first “crawl”…just one crawl…early on in the month, but still seemed to prefer the cautious safety of sitting or rolling like an old pro. On Monday September 19th – after two nights of 12 hours of straight sleep (glory to God in the highest…the first full night’s rest you’d had since month 3…) you decided to start crawling like it was old hat. By the end of the week you could easily follow the cats all the way down the hall and into the red carpet room. (Thanks 1960s for that beautiful design gift.)
You are pulling yourself to standing with ease and thankfully can sit back down without fear or tears. (Or tears for fears.)
I am convinced you prefer to wait on any skill until you’re certain you can master it on the first try. This is not unlike your father, which he admits. :)
Speaking of your dad, it is pretty obvious that your looks highly favor his. And I think it’s adorable. Last night, an acquaintance saw your newest pictures and had the thought, “Who’s the new baby? Her looks have changed so much and she suddenly looks just like her dad.” But even so, you are a lovely little girl with your very own looks and expressions and personality.
We love your vibrancy and enthusiasm and your great big passion for all things!
You are responding to the word “no,” eating practically grown up foods – quinoa, old fashioned oatmeal, peanut butter toast, curried vegetables, soup, and every sort of mashed fruit or vegetable we put before you.
I am thankful for the gift of a successful 9 months (so far) of breastfeeding. Those first weeks were nearly unbearable but at the time I knew nothing different and forged ahead. Being able to nurse you is a gift. I am so glad you still want mama, but I see your preference for real food beginning to form. You are going much longer between nursings, only once a night and sometimes going to bed or nap without it. It is exciting and a little sad to my mama-heart at the same time.
We love watching you learn and investigate everything. We love hearing your deep, belly laughter. You sing now when I start to play the piano. You “talk” to us all the time…bababa-ing, mamama-ing, dadada-ing all the livelong day.
You love your cats (especially your new kitten, Dot) more than anything. You can play by yourself with blocks and you love books, especially daddy’s big books. You have pulled the protective covers out of the outlets on the first day they were installed. You ate a fistful of cat food and didn’t seem to mind it. And mom & dad won’t be taking you to a “tipping” restaurant for the foreseeable future, thanks to your falsetto singing screeching vocalizing (?)
We love having you with us, Kirsten. You have rocked our world forever and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
PS – At your nine month well-child visit, you received your third hep B vaccine and got great remarks from Dr. Aza and Nurse Julia. We love them!
You are becoming our little circus peanut, hanging out in the low end of the percentiles, but looking happy, healthy, and full of life! You are 26 inches tall (grew just half an inch since your 6 month appt!), putting you in the 8th percentile. You weigh just an ounce under 18 pounds (just 2 pounds up since June), which is the 33rd percentile. And your head circumference remained the same, putting it in the 63%. Yay for all the brains! :D