One Hour Breakfast Bread

Bread Yeast

One Hour Breakfast Bread


There is something truly gratifying about starting a loaf of bread at 5am and getting to indulge in the freshest slice by 7:30 breakfast. It’s an incredible experience. And no, I’m not exaggerating. This time table isn’t possible for most bread recipes because of the first, second, and maybe even third rises necessary to activate the yeast. The recipe I chose to use was originally for One Hour Rolls. My hope was to create a quick rising loaf of bread that was dense, sweet, and perfectly moist. This loaf hit the nail on the head!

If you love everything about those moist, slightly sweet dinner rolls, you will LOVE this bread!

One Hour Breakfast Bread
recipe adapted from
Makes 1 loaf – 16 slices

1 cup warm water
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup oil
2 Tbsp yeast
1 tsp salt
1 egg, beaten
3 1/3 cups flour

In a large bowl, stir together warm water, sugar, oil, and yeast. Let stand for 15 minutes until yeast mixture is bubbly.

Stir in salt and beaten egg to yeast mixture. Continue stirring while adding in one cup of flour at a time. Dough will be sticky, but manageable.

Spray a 9×5 inch loaf pan with non-stick cooking spray and transfer dough to the pan. Spread to evenly distribute dough. Let rise at least 30 minutes.

Baked at 375 degrees for 26-30 minutes or until top is golden brown and loaf sounds dense, yet hollow when tapped. Transfer immediately to a cooling rack and let cool for one hour (if you can stand it!) before slicing (or just tearing into it as my husband likes to do!)

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