Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with zzzzzzzzzz….

up at 6am tomorrow.  going to work (going to work!?).  baking literally dozens and dozens of cookies.  Christmas shopping.  90% off racks at Kohl’s.  attending one of our teen’s band concerts (per her invitation *grin*).  surprising her with flowers (per Kevin’s thoughtfulness *big grin*).  tired.  bed time methinks.

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Bulbs

To those of you who will truly appreciate seeing pictures of our house transforming into its Christmas outfit, I wanted to share with you.  Make sure you realize, however, that these pictures do not do the actual scenery any justice.  In which case you are all welcome to visit any time.  My baking skills have […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with all of the Turkey

Thanksgiving in a nutshell:  awesome.  delicious.  busy.  loud.  fun.  uniting.  perfect.   We ended up with 19 total around our tableS for Thanksgiving.  My parents arrived Wednesday evening and showered us with gifts for the house, including the set of China dishes my mom is giving to me.  I was also given some wonderful belated […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with Today

Saturday we… …watched Ohio state stomp on U of M.  The only day of the year our household will be divided and for the 5th time my alliance dominated.  …drove to Sam’s club. Bought a 22″ HD LCD flatscreen tv.  Bought bulk groceries.  Bought two 12 pound turkeys.  Bought pizza and ice cream for dinner. […]

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