If you’re wondering why, read her comments on my last two posts. First) she wants me at family camp and I feel loved. Second) she’s going to lend me her 10 seasons of Friends for as long as I need a fix. Just for that, this picture –> for old times sake (3 years ago!) […]
this just in.
First of all, you have to help me get famous. Click on these links and vote for the pictures I uploaded to the Jones Soda website. Eventually, one day, one of these photos might possibly make it onto a bottle of this pure cane sugar soda. If you have any other questions about the company, ask […]
I haven’t felt this lousy in a long time. [at this point, I began to share the details because I’m not ashamed…but I figured some of you might be weirded out by that. so you’re welcome.] Basically everything between my legs and my neck is not happy. Today was a wonderful Sabbath (despite the […]
mmm, mmm good
Thanks to the July 4th celebration honoring our country’s freedom, Kevin had the day off. (Three cheers for our first holiday together!) We had made plans the night before to return the few duplicate wedding gifts we had received. I was finally able to pack away the stack of decorations into the closet and I […]
in eager expectation
Only Grace by Matthew West There is no guilt here. There is no shame. No pointing fingers. There is no blame. What happened yesterday, has disappeared. The dirt has washed away and now it’s clear. There’s only grace. There’s only love. There’s only mercy and believe me it’s enough. Your sins are gone without a […]
On Tastes and Tears
So there’s this thing…that I can’t figure out. Every morning after I watch Regis and Kelly (love them!) the Martha Stewart Show comes on. I do not like Martha in the least. She annoys me. And yet, I watch the show almost all the time. I can’t understand. It’s like I’m torturing myself. huh. […]
no reason at all
I love how you take twice as long as anyone to fix your sandwich. I love that you make me laugh harder than anyone can. I love that we take bike rides. I love the way your green eyes lock with mine. I love when we pray. I love that you like me reading aloud […]
On Pirates and Scrabble
I’d like to formally announce to all of you that I am now officially in the “know” as far as Pirates of the Caribbean goes. So I’ve watched this trilogy of movies more times than I can count and have always loved them. However, the only problem here is a strange paradox–how one can love a […]
“Afternoon, Gorgeous”
yep, that’s right. My love makes me blush when he send me random IM messages from work. He’s the best! For this particular post, I actually have a little post-it compiled of all the random things I wanted to write about. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe I would make a LIST! […]
Undercover Movie Star??
I just remembered one of the funniest, most unbelievable stories ever…and I just can’t wait to tell it! So in between our wedding ceremony and the reception the entire bridal party went down to Lake Shore Park on the shores of Lake Erie to get our pictures taken. Steve Newton was sitting up in the […]