Evergreen fundraising letters to my church Ministry

an introduction to my new work + an invitation to join me

Welcome to the first official publication of renewal reflections, a newsletter by Melanie Eccles. My mission is to join Jesus in the renewal of all things. This means calling attention to the ways in which I’m glimpsing goodness, peace, and restoration in our ordinary lives. In upcoming editions of renewal reflections I will write about my work as a […]


Why the Bible?

sermon preached at Ypsilanti Free Methodist Church, April 10, 2022 We’re in the final week of our series on the FM Way. As we have explored the values that make us distinct, I pray you have found these weeks both helpful and challenging to you: helpful as you gain a greater understanding of the denominational […]


Law of Love

Happy New Year, everyone! I think God has a thing for newness, for fresh starts. It was in the vision of John we read together from Revelation 21 – He saw the new earth, the beautifully remade Holy City coming down out of heaven from God. And God was thrilled to be dwelling among his […]

Sermon Transcript

A different sort of power

What comes to mind when you think of Kingdom? A monarchy, an all-powerful king or queen. Castles and guards and strong walls of protection. Separation from the working people. Infinite wealth: money, jewels, crowns, heirlooms, priceless art, entire lands under one authority. All of these simple examples and so many more are precisely what humanity […]

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