Sermon Transcript

Make a Choice

The story of humanity at every point in history is about finding our place in the world. Some of you are applying for college, discerning God’s place for you in a community of learners for the next 4ish years. Some of you are scouring the internet for job postings, trying to find the right fit […]


How to Shop

If you’ve ever talked me to me about shopping habits, you know I am passionate about two things: shopping frugally and shopping ethically. These practices take extra time and attention in a way that makes me consider them spiritual disciplines. I want to be conscious of how I’m spending our money and I want to […]

How To Spiritual Disciplines

Look again

Lament is about listening to the stories of brokenness and anger, giving value and voice to people who suffer all around us. Lament is refusing to turn a blind eye. Lament is choosing to align ourselves with the grief and suffering of others. Lament speaks truth and lament holds onto hope that God is here […]

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