Chocolate Cookies Dessert Oatmeal

Monster Cookies Recipe

By definition, Monster Cookies are, well monstrous. They’re supposed to be huge, and also filled with every delicious ingredient you can dream up. I am thinking you could easily substitute half of the M&Ms and/or chocolate chips for another type of bite sized or chopped candy bar, raisins, coconut, chopped nuts, peanut butter or white […]

blueberry Breakfast Scones

Fresh Blueberry Scones Recipe

Blueberry season is just about past, but there may still be some beautiful berries left on the bushes near you. If not, hopefully you saved a few in the freezer–those would work just fine in this recipe (keep the berries frozen when stirring them into the batter.) If you want a special addition to your […]

Friends Uncategorized

The One with the Longest Run Yet

The long run. It’s a newer venture for me as I am training for the Mighty Niagara Half Marathon (for hospice) on September 22nd. Eight years ago when I began this running thing, I never imagined I would ever in a million years be able to run 13.1 miles straight–let alone in a race. But after today, […]

Lunch Sandwich Zucchini

Grilled Zucchini Sandwich Recipe

So, you have a lot of zucchini laying around? And you’ve made enough zucchini bread to last you a lifetime? Well, then, friend, this sandwich is calling your name. I have been on a grilled (literally on the grill) sandwich kick lately, and it is unbelievable delicious. Those grill marks, the crisp edges, the melted […]

About Me Uncategorized

The House Tour [1 Year Later]

Just 4 days after we moved into our new (rental) home in New York, I decided it would be a brilliant idea to post pictures documenting the settling process. Things didn’t look too shabby at that point. Actually, I’m a little impressed with how quickly I settled in (but let’s be honest…I had the help […]

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