Bacon Breakfast

Baked Bacon

I love bacon. Who doesn’t?! But I hate cooking bacon–the splatter of grease, the occasional burns, the excess grease on the surface of the cooked bacon, the bacon that curls up into inappropriate shapes for sandwiches, my inability to cook bacon to the perfect crispness (I either burn it or under cook it. ick.)  This […]

Bread Sandwich Yeast

Hearty Wheat Sandwich Thins

A few weeks ago I was introduced to Sandwich Thins–a low calorie sandwich bun alternative to bread. I can’t bring myself to spend $3.50 on 6 buns, so I went on the hunt to find a recipe. Thank you, internet, once again. And thank you, Foodie Bride!  Source This is a great recipe! It makes […]

Dinner Sandwich Venison

Barbecue Pulled Venison Recipe

Kevin and I were both craving barbecue pulled pork. Unfortunately, our freezer was fresh out of any suitable meat. That is, until a crazy idea popped into my head. What if I used that venison stew meat? Would that be any good? Would it ruin the meat? I wouldn’t know unless I tried.  And WOWZERS, […]

Sauce Spicy

Homemade Tangy Barbecue Sauce Recipe

There’s just something satisfying about making your own basic ingredients. Yes, it’s “normal” and oh-so-simple to pick up a jar of your favorite barbecue sauce off of the store shelves. I’ve done it. I have my favorites. But knowing exactly what is in my delicious sweet, sticky, spicy sauce makes me feel that much better about what […]

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