Food Uncategorized

The One with the 10 Fave Snack Duos

It’s no secret I love food. I mean, I have an entire blog designated to recipe after recipe. Today I thought I’d simply share my favorite food combinations. There are just some snacks that are meant to pair up. I can hardly eat pretzels without popping in a few M&Ms. I mean really?  You have probably […]

Granola Peanut Butter Snack

Crunchy Peanut Butter Granola Recipe

I am a fan of all things peanut butter. And granola is one of my favorite snacks and best-ever yogurt topping. Making your own granola is not only more economical than purchasing the store-bought varieties, but it eliminates tons of excess sugar from the ingredient list. I’m all for actually nutritious granola, aren’t you?  Crunchy Peanut […]

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