In this “fruit belt” of Western New York, we have generous friends with fruit trees filling their yards, dropping ripe pears left and right. We’ve had at least 15 pounds of pears shared with us in the last week, and pear sauce was a beautiful way to use some of the pears up (particularly those […]
The One with “Mastering” a Great Day
What a fantastic day! It was just one of those all-too-rare days when my mood was good and my spirits were high for every moment of it. Even the getting-up-at-6am-on-a-Saturday didn’t deter me (despite the struggle to fall asleep the night before). Besides the great mood, it was the first Bible Quiz of new school year–over Hebrews and […]
The One with the Extra Mile
Because I love ya, because I’m a bit proud of myself, and because I left you with quite a teaser yesterday… …I will share with you the other new (awesome) thing I did this week. Wednesday morning, my wonderful friend Sheryl and I planned to go for a morning run on Thursday. I woke up with […]
Italian Potato Salad Recipe
In an effort to take a delicious dish to our first potluck at our new church, I new some sort of potato salad would be a winner. I’m really not a huge fan of mayo-laden salads. Yes, I eat them and even enjoy them, but I can rarely bring myself to add that much mayonnaise […]
The One with the First of the Canning
I have been trying so many new things this week. One of which I will share with you here. You’re welcome. On Monday, the hottest day of the newly-arrived fall season, Sheryl and decided to try canning tomatoes. Her neighbor had given her baskets upon baskets of tomatoes leftover from his garden, and we decided […]
The One with New Music
I may have gotten myself into big trouble. So to speak. The other day I was searching (pretty much my favorite place to shop ever) in order to find a new set of piano lesson books for my brand new student. (My third in three weeks!! Can I get a woot, woot?!) I easily found […]
Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Recipe
For me, ice cream is a food group all its own. Even if I’m making another dessert–brownies or cake–I feel that I need ice cream. And homemade? You just can’t beat that. This recipe costs about the same as a half gallon of store bought ice cream and with 5 ingredients. Quick and easy, and […]
The One with Beans Coming Out My Ears
I have been going a hundred miles per hour in 10 different directions lately–but loving all of it! I’m not usually a fan of this-is-what-I’ve-been-doing-in-the-last-48-hours type of posts, but this is good stuff that I want to remember and I’m a little impressed at how much I’ve been accomplishing. tee hee. Sunday was busy, busy, but beautiful! We […]
Classic Hamburger Buns Recipe
I originally posted this recipe in 2009 and decided it was high time to share it again with you all. Annie’s hamburger bun recipe is one of my favorites, and it was the perfect choice for our Labor Day meal. My Mom and Dad, who were joining us for the meal, really enjoyed this special homemade […]
The One with What Makes a Good Weekend
Awesome things about this weekend include… game night with Randy & Sheryl. We love hanging out with them. All four us spent plenty of time laughing hysterically. I found out Kevin had never actually played Cranium, he just assumed he wouldn’t like it. But he totally did. And don’t let him tell you otherwise. my new purse, […]