For the sake of comparison, I decided to give the bread machine a chance to stand up to that delicious handmade 100% Whole Wheat Bread I made recently. I have to say, the results were quite delicious. Because the bread machine makes life so easy, I would probably use this recipe most of the time. […]
The One with the Decisions
Decision-making is not my forte. Sure, when it comes to group leading I can be the bossy one and just make a decision (!) because no one else will. But in personal matters, I need decisive decision improvements. I have McDonald’s menu memorized yet it still takes me an abnormally long time to order. If we’re […]
Rhubarb Sauce Recipe
I am a bit new to the rhubarb thing. I hadn’t even heard of this vegetable/fruit/anomaly until Kevin’s family introduced me to Strawberry Rhubarb Pie. It was delicious, but I still wasn’t sure what part the rhubarb played in the pie. It seemed like a strange filler to me. Thankfully, when we were given 15+ stalks […]
The One with Today’s Thanks
Top Ten {Tuesday} Things I am Thankful For– 1} the cool weather than blew in this afternoon. 2} a new-found love for rhubarb. (two new recipes will be coming your way soon!) 3} a 6am walk along the canal with my husband. 4} the full moon we saw on our way out on a walk and the […]
The One with the “Normal” Sunday
Yesterday was a “normal” Sunday–the first in many weeks. It felt good, it felt right, it felt…well…normal. At the church at 7:45am for worship team rehearsal, making last minute changes to the set. It was the earliest I think I’ve ever been at church, but it worked. Right after practice, it was scurrying here and […]
Refried Beans Recipe {from dry pintos}
I have become a big fan of refried beans–especially now that Kevin and I have, what we call, “Mexican fiesta” at least once a week. I make a quick batch of pico de gallo and guacamole. We doctor up a can of refried beans. He grabs the chips and sour cream. And we’re off to deliciousness! […]
The One with Remembering 9/11
I couldn’t believe how quickly it all came back. With the news broadcasting images and recordings, interviewing President Bush and the children of the tragedy–it is like it was just yesterday. Or last year, maybe. But not an entire decade. The emotions are still raw. Tears welled up as I was transported back in time […]
Creamy Spicy Macaroni
This pasta dish was created on a whim and in a flurry before my husband arrived home. I was inspired by the abundance of peppers in my fridge, and, knowing my husband’s love of pasta, I set to work. This dish takes a few more pots and pans than I normally like to work with, […]
The One with My Hand Stamped Necklace
Today’s mailbox contents was absolutely thrilling! My hand stamped necklace from Lisa Leonard Designs arrived! I won a gift card months ago from Lynette Kraft via Lisa, and it was the best thing I ever could have hoped to win.(That might be a slight exaggeration. I’m sure there’s something I would hope to win even more, but […]
The One with All the Apples
Since it’s fall and all, I have a confession. I’m obsessed with apples. I know–the two concepts don’t necessarily have anything to do with one another, but I’ve got apple-picking on the brain. Aside from goodness of fall apple cider, I really do have a bit of an apple addiction. Ask any who’s spent any […]