Chocolate Dessert Graham Cracker Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter S’mores

You may have noticed one of those S’mores was not like the other. If you didn’t, here’s an upclose encounter with the best addition the s’more has ever seen. PEANUT BUTTER.  Graham crackers with peanut butter is one of my favorite snacks.  Chocolate and peanut butter is my all-time favorite combination.  Thus, spreading peanut butter […]

Chocolate Dessert

Indoor S’mores

Whenever we go camping, s’mores are the top of my priority list. Packing those 3 tasty ingredients is one thing I have never forgotten to do. My husband and I like to compete over who roasts the better marshmallow. The best part? I get to eat all of the results! Score!  We returned home from […]

Hilarious Happenings Husband Uncategorized

The One with the Mini War

If you’ve never encountered an Earwig consider yourself lucky. These insects are totally scary looking, albeit relatively harmless. Their pincers freak me out and I can’t stand finding them scurrying across my kitchen counters.  I have killed a handful of these lobster-esque insects in the past week and didn’t think much of it. Besides being […]

Dessert Fruit Ice Cream Sorbet

Mango Nectarine Sorbet

On a scorching hot day, I was craving something sweet and something very cold. Ice cream was the obvious choice, but with no heavy cream in the refrigerator, I started looking for other options. There was a fresh mango on my counter–not quite enough for sorbet. But there was a drawer full of nectarines as […]

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